Design notes of and request for feedback on preliminary javax.lang.model support for records and sealed types
Vicente Romero
vicente.romero at
Tue Apr 23 12:23:49 UTC 2019
Hi Joe,
On 4/17/19 4:19 PM, Joe Darcy wrote:
> Hello,
> I recently pushed preliminary javax.lang.model support for records
> and sealed types to the "records-and-sealed" branch of amber:
> Initial support:
> Small bug fix:
> Please send feedback on the API design.
> The records document used as the basis for the API design is:
> To summarize the language changes:
> * records are a new kind of type
> * records have a set of state components which drive a desugaring into
> assorted fields, methods, and constructors
> * types, both classes and interfaces, can be sealed to only allow
> named permitted subtypes
> The primary manifestations of the language changes in the API are:
> * New ElementKind constants for a record and a state component. These
> are alongside existing element kinds of various flavors of types
> (ENUM, CLASS, ANNOTATION_TYPE, INTERFACE) and other constructs. There
> are supporting updates to the ElementKind.isClass() predicate and
> various ElementKindVisitor's.
> * Two default methods are added to the TypeElement interface:
> default List<? extends VariableElement> getStateComponents()
> default List<? extends TypeMirror> getPermittedSubtypes()
> As the basic model of types is changing, it is reasonable to update
> the TypeElement interface directly rather than placing analogous
> methods on the javax.lang.model.util.Elements supplemental utility
> interface. Note that permitted subtypes returns TypeMirrors rather
> than ElementTypes, consistent with TypeElement.getInterfaces doing the
> same.
> * To avoid introducing a new top-level element category interface
> (like variable, type, package, module), state components are regarded
> as a new kind of VariableElement, a name-type pair with other
> ancillary information possibly available too.
> * New javax.lang.model.element.Modifier enum constant for SEALED. The
> Elements utility interface gets an isSealed predicate that will also
> determine if a subtype has been non-sealed.
> * Miscellaneous updates for consistency throughout the existing API,
> enclosed/enclosing relationships, etc.
> Note that if "record" and "sealed" are handled as *restricted
> keywords*, then it is possible no explicit updates may be required to
> the SourceVersion.{isName, isKeyword, isIdentifier} methods
> (
> Some known bugs/limitations:
> * The API design discussed above implicitly calls for state components
> to be modeled separately from the fields or accessor methods they get
> desugared into. In the current implementation, the private fields are
> marked and used as the state components.
> * The permitted types method always returns an empty list.
update: there is already support for this method in the compiler. Now if
the permitted types are declared the method return a non-empty list.
> * Elements.isSealed() always returns false.
> * A larger fractions of the fields and methods of a record are
> generated by the compiler than for other kinds of types. Therefore, I
> think it would be helpful if compiler implementations were more
> diligent about setting and tracking *origin* information for records.
> The origin
> of an element is whether it was declared explicitly (EXPLICIT),
> generated by the compiler under the mandate of a specification
> (MANDATED), or a compiler translation artifact (SYNTHETIC). One sample
> use of this information is the printing processor eliding output for
> methods like toString, equals, and hashCode if they are generated by
> the compiler.
regarding this aspect, it is not clear that the MANDATED flag should be
applied to compiler generated methods. According to the spec: JLS 11
13.1 The Form of Binary:
12. A construct emitted by a Java compiler must be marked as mandated if it
corresponds to a formal parameter declared implicitly in source code
§8.8.9, §8.9.3, §
I think that we need to agree first if we want to change the spec to
apply the MANDATED flag to methods before giving support to this in the
> Comments?
> Thanks,
> -Joe
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