jshell doesn't overwrite local variable type
Remi Forax
forax at univ-mlv.fr
Thu Dec 26 18:18:29 UTC 2019
Another bug, if you defines a variable and then defines it again, for whatever reason, the type is lost.
$ jshell --enable-preview
| Welcome to JShell -- Version 14-ea
| For an introduction type: /help intro
jshell> /set feedback verbose
| Feedback mode: verbose
jshell> record Square(int side) {
...> public double surface() {
...> return side * side;
...> }
...> }
...> record Rectangle(int width, int height) {
...> public double surface() {
...> return width * height;
...> }
...> }
jshell> var figures = List.of(new Square(2), new Rectangle(3, 4));
figures ==> [Square[side=2], Rectangle[width=3, height=4]]
| created variable figures : List<Record>
jshell> interface Figure {
...> public double surface();
...> }
...> record Square(int side) implements Figure {
...> public double surface() {
...> return side * side;
...> }
...> }
...> record Rectangle(int width, int height) implements Figure {
...> public double surface() {
...> return width * height;
...> }
...> }
| created interface Figure
jshell> figures
figures ==> [Square[side=2], Rectangle[width=3, height=4]]
| value of figures : List<Record>
jshell> var figures = List.of(new Square(2), new Rectangle(3, 4));
figures ==> [Square[side=2], Rectangle[width=3, height=4]]
| modified variable figures : List<Record&Figure>
| update overwrote variable figures : List<Record>
jshell> figures
figures ==> [Square[side=2], Rectangle[width=3, height=4]]
| value of figures : List<Object>
why figures is not typed List<Object> ???
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