Serialization of object identity
forax at
forax at
Fri Jun 14 18:56:08 UTC 2019
> De: "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at>
> À: "Nir Lisker" <nlisker at>
> Cc: "amber-dev" <amber-dev at>, "Remi Forax" <forax at>
> Envoyé: Vendredi 14 Juin 2019 20:42:07
> Objet: Re: Serialization of object identity
> One can surely construct a protocol that "rescues" cyclicity in plenty of ways
> (e.g., segregate final state from mutable, set the former in a constructor, the
> latter in a post-construct mutation, and have the serialization framework
> topologically sort on identity.) "Is it possible" is not the question; the
> question is, whether the incremental benefit is worth the incremental cost, in
> all its varying dimensions (including additional cognitive load on the
> application developer, and increased attack surface.)
> I wouldn't characterize where we are as "giving up", as much as choosing an
> initial target that embodies a set of cost, complexity, and security tradeoffs.
> If it turns out that set of tradeoffs is not workable, or a better set makes
> itself evident, we can adjust as we go forward. But I don't think we want to
> load ourselves up with every possible requirement out of the gate; it has taken
> long enough for a credible alternate story to emerge already! And don't forget
> -- much of the disaster of existing serialization comes from the complexity
> that came with the various knobs nailed on the side. So we should be very
> careful about what requirements we assume. I'd rather look at it as "is it
> practical to live without cycle support", rather than "is cycle support
> possible."
i agree with Brian,
Also leaking "this" fell flat with inline classes (we don't want to introduce a mechanism that will make our future miserable, right ?) and a specific serializer can also use proxies (i believe the injector of weld does something like this) so trying to resolve cycles seems more something that should be done by a specific serializer implementation and not something that the JDK should offer.
> On 6/14/2019 10:50 AM, Nir Lisker wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply.
>>> Actually, they're two entirely different problems.
>> I don't think they are entirely different since identity info is a requirement
>> for cyclic graphs, but I don't intend to discuss semantics.
>>> The challenge with cyclic graphs is not that we have to respect identity
>>> -- that can be done (it is up to a particular serialization to decide if
>>> it is going to do so.)
>> I'm happy so see that respecting identity can be done. If you could add this to
>> the document on the next update it would be beneficial, even if it's just "can
>> be done", because it's not clear at all (to me) that this is the case. All of
>> the constructor and deconstructor patterns presented are about the data stored
>> in fields, and the treatment of identity info comes from somewhere else.
>>> The challenge with cyclic graphs is that
>>> logically cyclic graphs cannot, in general, be reproduced through a
>>> series of constructor calls -- some mutation is required as well. Which
>>> conflicts with our main security goal, that deserialization proceed
>>> through constructors.
>> I understand, but maybe giving up from the start (from the public's POV) is
>> premature. Leaking "this", for example as Rémi suggested, is not necessarily a
>> flaw if done cautiously.
>> Also, mutation is not necessarily a security issue, though it is another place
>> where one could arise. Many mutators do the same checks on the input as the
>> constructor does. If my class has fields for weight and height, it's very
>> reasonable that both the constructor and the setters will do a check for >0. In
>> this case, I can deserialize using the empty constructor and then mutate, and
>> what do I lose? I believe that this is what Jackson does in its simplest case.
>> I'm the author of my classes and I'm responsible for checking my input in
>> mutators just as much as in constructors, and whatever deserialization requires
>> me to do for the constructor I can do for the mutator. Any kind of delayed
>> assignment ("construct and then") could be a major part of a solution. Rémi's
>> trick with Function is on the same page.
>> Sure, it's easy for me to pop in and say "put annotations on setters and invoke
>> them after construction" as if it's a simple solution for this problem, and
>> it's really not. What it is is a reason to reconsider throwing cyclic graphs
>> out, especially when JSON can support it practically.
>> On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 10:55 PM Remi Forax < [ mailto:forax at |
>> forax at ] > wrote:
>>> ----- Mail original -----
>>> > De: "Brian Goetz" < [ mailto:brian.goetz at | brian.goetz at ] >
>>>> À: "Nir Lisker" < [ mailto:nlisker at | nlisker at ] >,
>>>> "amber-dev" < [ mailto:amber-dev at | amber-dev at
>>> > ] >
>>> > Envoyé: Mercredi 12 Juin 2019 21:26:34
>>> > Objet: Re: Serialization of object identity
>>> >> In fact, the cyclic graph issue is a result of an inability to represent
>>> >> object identity in serialization, which is a much larger problem.
>>> > Actually, they're two entirely different problems.
>>> > The challenge with cyclic graphs is not that we have to respect identity
>>> > -- that can be done (it is up to a particular serialization to decide if
>>> > it is going to do so.) The challenge with cyclic graphs is that
>>> > logically cyclic graphs cannot, in general, be reproduced through a
>>> > series of constructor calls -- some mutation is required as well. Which
>>> > conflicts with our main security goal, that deserialization proceed
>>> > through constructors.
>>> > (It is possible, at the cost of significant complexity for both the
>>> > framework and class authors, to have a more complex model that can
>>> > reflect post-construction mutation -- but the incremental complexity and
>>> > risk is significant.)
>>> it's not fully true because you can leak "this" and then mutate a field inside
>>> the constructor.
>>> class A {
>>> final B b;
>>> A(Function<A,B> fun) {
>>> b = fun.apply(this);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> class B {
>>> final A a;
>>> B(A a) {
>>> this.a = a;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> new A(B::new);
>>> Rémi
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