Method chaining JEP draft
JARvis PROgrammer
mrjarviscraft at
Sun Mar 24 19:52:36 UTC 2019
Hi there,
At current I am working on a draft for the language feature to allow
non-static methods to declare themselves as `returning instance on which
they were called` (a builder pattern is the best illustration of such type
of methods) making it automatic (rather than forcing the developer to
use return
this) or (as another option to be declared by this JEP) to allow such
behaviour for void methods.
This is a draft at my local PC (he-he) and Gist at the moment and is only
under construction but is it at all worth workin on it? This feature seems
to be an obvious one and might have been discussed in past and yet there
seems to be no JEP addressed for it.
So should I continue working on a draft (for discussion here, of course) or
this was already discussed and there are already existing pros&cons for
this because of which this feature is not anywhere now?
Peter P.
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