Call for feedback -- enhanced switch

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at
Mon Mar 25 18:22:02 UTC 2019

On 3/24/2019 10:57 AM, forax at wrote:
> ----- Mail original -----
>> De: "Maurizio Cimadamore" <maurizio.cimadamore at>
>> À: "Remi Forax" <forax at>, "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at>
>> Cc: "amber-dev" <amber-dev at>
>> Envoyé: Samedi 23 Mars 2019 22:27:47
>> Objet: Re: Call for feedback -- enhanced switch
>> On 23/03/2019 17:38, Remi Forax wrote:
>>> And the expression switch is supported by the latest releases of both IntelliJ
>>> IDEA and Eclipse [1]
>>> BTW, it remember me something i have forgotten to ask, for both ecj and javac,
>>> when you compile with --enable-preview, all the classes have they minor version
>>> changed even the one that doesn't use the switch expression. I've tried to find
>>> where this behaviour was documented in the JEP 12 [2] but the "compile-time"
>>> section is not clear about that.
>> Remi, my initial implementation of JEP 12 was actually doing the finer
>> grained treatment you described.
> I'm not sure which implementation is better, but anyway, at least the current behavior should be documented in the spec,
> as you said, at least the semantics of the current implementation is  clear.

JEP 12 is not a spec for javac. JEP 12 is a policy document which, 
though its sections "Design of a Preview Feature", "Use of Preview 
Features", and "Relationship to Java SE APIs", lays groundwork for the 
Java SE Platform Spec. (See

Accordingly, JEP 12 mandates the smallest possible behavior for Java 
compilers and runtimes that is consistent with its policy goals. That's 
why it requires only:

"If Java source code uses a preview language feature of Java SE $N, then 
a Java compiler must record that the emitted class file depends on the 
preview VM features of Java SE $N."

and does not require the inverse, "If Java source code does not use a 
preview language feature, then a Java compiler must not record that the 
emitted class file depends on preview VM features."  (For one thing, 
that inverse requirement, as written, would be inappropriate if a Java 
compiler started compiling an old language feature into a class file 
that genuinely uses a preview VM feature.)

For convenience, JEP 12 has a section "Example use of preview features" 
which discusses how javac could enable preview features. That's not a 
spec, but to help readers, I have added this:

"- Every `class` file emitted by `javac` _depends on the preview VM 
features of Java SE $N_, regardless of whether the source code 
corresponding to the `class` file actually uses preview language 
features of Java SE $N."


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