Text blocks / Multi-line string literals

Kevin Bourrillion kevinb at google.com
Mon May 13 22:17:52 UTC 2019

*From: *Stephen Colebourne <scolebourne at joda.org>
*Date: *Mon, May 13, 2019 at 12:19 PM
*To: *Amber dev

2) I prefer "multi-line string literals" to "text blocks".

Like others, I am also liking "text blocks" for the connotations it gets

> 3) The proposal is a little bit hostile to Markdown, because markdown
> relies on significant whitespace at the end of the line. I'd really
> like to see a new escape \s for \u0020 added at the same time as this
> feature to ensure there is a way out of the problem.

That seems like a great idea to me...

> 4) I'd also like to see \<NewLine> added at the same time as discussed
> elsewhere.

I'm okay if it (and the previous) have to wait in order to make the
schedule, but yeah, they are very helpful to making the feature fully
adoptable and usable.

5) I'm still unconvinced by the use of the closing delimiter to
> determine indentation.

I hear you on the style preference. If my text blocks are going to be
parsed by a whitespace-ignoring parser, I might still indent them from the
fat quotes because I can.

But I think the text being directly above the quotes looks considerably
uglier than it *will* after we're accustomed to it. It's livable, and it's
a such a very useful design choice...

Kevin Bourrillion | Java Librarian | Google, Inc. | kevinb at google.com

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