Updated Draft specs for JEP 359 (Records)

Florian Weimer fw at deneb.enyo.de
Mon Nov 4 20:50:09 UTC 2019

* Alex Buckley:

> However, you are right that the spec is slightly misworded. It says "It 
> is a compile-time error if a record declaration contains a canonical 
> constructor declaration that is not public." but a "canonical" ctor is 
> public by definition. It should say "It is a compile-time error if a 
> record declaration contains a constructor declaration whose formal 
> parameter list is identical to the record header of R, but which is not 
> public."

I think we are looking at different versions of the spec.  I don't see
either wording here:


But the updated wording works for me.

Also thanks to Brian for explaining the rationale to me.  I agree that
the current behavior is consistent with the kind of restrictions
imposed (or not) by the rest of the language.  The need for defensive
copies is particularly persuasive.

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