Fwd: Re: RFR: JEP 359-Records: compiler code

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Wed Nov 6 15:43:02 UTC 2019

Hi Vicente,

On 11/6/2019 5:11 AM, Vicente Romero wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> I made an experiment: removing the code you added to PrintingProcessor 
> and the tests, TestRecord and family, just work.

It is true the tests may pass, but unless other changes have been made 
since I pushed that update, the printing processor doesn't have the 
right semantics without the change. As a matter of test design, the 
annotation processing tests intentionally avoid checking the exact 
output of printing.

The visitor in question defines a defaultAction method which prints doc 
comments and modifiers. When the record components were visited on their 
own, extra doc comments and modifiers were printed. The record component 
information was printed in the proper location by during the visitation 
of the record itself.



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