Records (preview): Why aren't accessor methods generated as final?

Mike Bishop tend2dv8 at
Fri Apr 24 21:04:23 UTC 2020

I'm curious as to why the accessor methods in a record are not final.
Consider the following record declaration:

public record Point(double x, double y) {}

The accessor methods x() and y() return x and y, respectively, but are not
final. This allows me to override x(), for example, as follows:

public record Point(double x, double y) {
    public double x() {
        return x * x;

I can test the above Point record with the following code to ensure that
two Points with the same declared x and y coordinates are equal.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    var p = new Point(3.0, 4.0);
    var pPrime = new Point(p.x(), p.y());
    System.out.println("p = " + p + ", pPrime = " + pPrime);
    assert pPrime.equals(p);

As expected, the assertion fails as pPrime is (9.0, 4.0) while p is (3.0,

My concern is that if I'm using a Point in my code, I would expect that two
Points with the same x and y will be equivalent since the 2-tuple (x, y)
represents "the state, the whole state and nothing but the state" of Point.
I think this can only be assured if the accessor methods are final.

Best regards,
Mike Bishop

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