Feedback on records (JEP 359)
Anthony Vanelverdinghe at
Sat Apr 25 15:02:44 UTC 2020
The following is feedback on my initial experience with records:
1) a request: besides Brian's datum write-up [1], it would be useful to
have a more practice-oriented document, similar to the one for text
blocks [2]. For example, one thing I'd like such document to expand on,
would be migration compatibility between records and classes (i.e. if I
expose a record in my public API, how will that impact my ability for
evolving it, e.g. converting it into a class?). This would ideally also
include a FAQ which consolidates the wisdom from the mailing lists (e.g.
"Why is the canonical constructor specified to be public?" [3], "Why
aren't accessor methods generated as final?" [4], etc.).
2) a proposal: a method `Stream<IndexedElement<T>> indexed()` on Stream,
which wraps each Stream element in a `record IndexedElement<T>(long
index, T t)`
This would allow for a natural, concise way to access indices (cf. e.g.
3) a proposal: if a non-canonical constructor is defined, it should also
be required to define the canonical constructor
This is a trivial one-liner to add, and it reminds people that the
canonical constructor is:
a) present (unlike classes, where, if you define a constructor yourself,
the implicit constructor doesn't exist)
b) public (if there's a single private constructor, I regularly forget
that there's still a public constructor as well)
4) an observation: I noticed that the ease with which records can be
created, might lead to recorditis, where e.g. you start out with:
record Episode(int season, int number, String title) {}
and you end with:
record Season(Id id, EpisodeCount numEpisodes) {
record Id(int number)
record EpisodeCount(int numEpisodes) {}
record Episode(Id id, Title title) {
record Id(Season.Id season, int number) {}
record Title(String title) {}
which brings me back to my first point: I'm hoping that a document with
best practices and advice would give me some guidance on when to stop.
5) an observation/proposal: I need to remind myself sometimes that
record components are nullable. Would it be an option to introduce a
`nullable-record` keyword, where `record` would not allow any of its
components to be null, whereas `nullable-record` would?
6) a proposal: there's a recurring occurrence of boilerplate in my
records, which could be eliminated by introducing a `sorted-record`
keyword. This would work as follows:
sorted-record YearMonth(Year year, Month month) {}
is equivalent to:
record YearMonth(Year year, Month month) implements Comparable<YearMonth> {
private static final Comparator<YearMonth> NATURAL_ORDER = Comparator
public int compareTo(YearMonth o) {
return, o);
on the condition that each record component either implements
Comparable, or is an array type whose component type implements Comparable.
Analog to YearMonth (yes, I'm aware that YearMonth et al. are already in
the JDK ;)), there exist many examples, where a natural order on the
instances is achieved by comparing all components, in order, from left
to right. For example `Season.Id` and `Episode.Id` given above,
`Type(String packageName, String typeName)`, `Error(String file, int
line, int column)`, `Person(String lastName, String firstName)`, ...
This is similar to how Enum also implements Comparable according to what
one would naturally expect.
This is tedious to write, but seems relatively easy for a compiler to
This would also nudge developers to declare record components in a
consistent fashion. For example, in Europe, `LocalDate(int day, int
month, int year)` would be pretty natural, but everyone would write
`sorted-record LocalDate(int year, int month, int day)`.
W.r.t. naming, "sorted-record" would fit naturally with
SortedMap/SortedSet, Stream::sorted, etc.
And the use of a hypenated keyword would allow `sorted-class` as well
(though in my experience it's much less common for a class to only
contain instance variables that implement Comparable).
There could also be an Xlint warning for a sorted-record that contains
components which have a type whose Comparable implementation is known
not to be compatible with Object::equals (though this would only be
verifiable for JDK classes, with BigDecimal as the notable example).
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
Kind regards,
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