Feedback for records: Accessors name() vs. getName()
Kamil Ševeček
kamil at
Wed Aug 5 12:51:52 UTC 2020
I tried the Java 14 records preview feature in a number of technologies and
found many quirks with accessors not following JavaBeans convention of
getName() for fields.
Some examples
Let's say we have Invoice and Address classes and Customer record:
public class Invoice {
private Customer c;
public Invoice(Customer c) {
this.c = c;
public Customer getCustomer() {
return c;
// equals() & hashCode() & toString()
public record Customer(String firstName, String lastName, Address address)
{ }
public class Address {
private String city;
public Address(String city) { = city;
public String getCity() {
return city;
// equals() & hashCode() & toString()
Let's have:
Address adr = new Address("Brno");
Customer c1 = new Customer("Jack", "Sparrow", adr);
Invoice inv = new Invoice(c1);
1. java.beans.Introspector not recognizing accessors
Let's have:
BeanInfo personBeanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(Customer.class);
for (PropertyDescriptor desc : personBeanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
System.out.println(desc.getName() + " <- " +
desc.getReadMethod().getName() + "()");
You will only get:
class <- getClass()
and miss firstName(), lastName() and address().
I was able to find this email (
regarding the same issue but the only thing I could see was a proposal to
shoehorn Introspector to recognize records instead of making records
standards-compliant and not having changing anything in the APIs above
2. Unified expression language (EL) in JSP, JSF
Web expression language will look quite weird as well (address() method
versus customer and city properties):
3. Spring Framework hacks, Spring (SpEL)
The same email (
also mentioned that Spring would have to come with hacks to allow for
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) would be affected the same way as
3. Groovy inconsistency
You can access getName() getters in Groovy using short syntax:
4. Kotlin inconsistency
The same as in Groovy also applies to Kotlin:
5. All libraries will have to be adapted
There are a lot of libraries that depend on the get/set convention and you
would prevent their usage for records. Such as BeanTableModel (swing
TableModel implementation), Jackson JSON parser and many others.
6. Impossibility to retrofit existing record-like classes as records
"records alone don't hit enough targets in my opinion"
There are a lot of existing classes which have only JavaBeans-compliant
getters, equals() & hashCode() in the JDK library and in the wold. Far more
than non-compliant getters. Many of them could have been rewritten as
records if records followed the getName() strategy.
I went through the Amber-dev mailing list, read quite a few articles by
Brian Goetz but never came across any reasoning why the accessors would be
name() and not something else.
Are there any benefits of using name() accessors?
Overall, I would strongly suggest generating getters in compliance with 22
years of practice in Java and avoid introducing a new kid on the block.
Kamil Sevecek
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