Downsizing the delegate/composition pattern ceremony
Nir Lisker
nlisker at
Wed Aug 5 22:18:31 UTC 2020
Hi Remi,
You want something like in Kotlin,
> class MapWrapper(map: Map) : Map by map
> One of the worst thing of the inheritance is the coupling between the
> subclass and the super-class because in the subclass you can not choose
> what methods you want to pick up from the super class so when the super
> class evolves, it can destroy the semantics of the subclass. Basically, the
> subclass doesn't have a stable API.
> You are proposing exactly that with the delegation, it's a giant step
> backward in my opinion.
Actually, I was not proposing any specific solution (and I'm not familiar
with Kotlin features). I intentionally didn't suggest what might be the
"obvious" choice of writing something like `class MapWrapper<K, V> delegate
Map<K, V>` because it seems too blunt to me.
We also spend some times on having a simpler syntax for delegation
> class MapWrapper {
> private final Map map = ...
public void put(K key, V value) = map::put;
> public void remove(K key, V value) = map::remove;
> }
> Here at least, the API is stable. This feature is part of the feature
> named "concise method" in the mailing list.
This is already nicer, but when there are enough methods, it can be error
class MapWrapper {
private final Map map = ...
public void put(K key, V value) = map::put;
public void remove(Object key, Object value) = map::remove;
public void remove(Object key) = map::remove;
public void containsKey(Object key) = map::containsKey;
public void containsValue(Object value) = map::containsKey;
public void clear() = map::clear;
public void isEmpty() = map:: isEmpty;
Can you spot the bug?
Ideally, I would like something I can look at and think "I know what this
does" and know it is done correctly. Not sure how feasible that would be,
On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 12:35 AM Remi Forax <forax at> wrote:
> ----- Mail original -----
> > De: "Nir Lisker"
> > À: "amber-dev"
> > Envoyé: Mercredi 5 Août 2020 23:11:36
> > Objet: Downsizing the delegate/composition pattern ceremony
> > Hi,
> >
> > An alternative to inheritance is the delegate pattern in which our class
> > holds an instance as a field and delegates its method calls to the field.
> > In many cases, we should prefer composition over inheritance (item 18 in
> > Effective Java 3rd ed.). However, the language doesn't let us do this
> > without pain. While with inheritance everything comes wired for us using
> > one `extends` word, with composition we need to rewrite method by method.
> > What's more, the methods' implementation is trivial and uninteresting:
> >
> > class MapWrapper {
> >
> > private final Map map = ...
> >
> > public void put(K key, V value) {
> > map.put(k, v);
> > }
> >
> > public void remove(K key, V value) {
> > map.remove(k, v);
> > }
> >
> > // etc.
> > }
> >
> > This results in a lot of code which doesn't tell us much. Lombok has
> > the @Delegate annotation that can really help in some cases, but like
> with
> > most Amber features, we prefer something that lets us express our
> intention
> > more than something that just generates the boilerplate for us.
> >
> > Are there any plans or discussions concerning this ?
> You want something like in Kotlin,
> class MapWrapper(map: Map) : Map by map
> One of the worst thing of the inheritance is the coupling between the
> subclass and the super-class because in the subclass you can not choose
> what methods you want to pick up from the super class so when the super
> class evolves, it can destroy the semantics of the subclass. Basically, the
> subclass doesn't have a stable API.
> You are proposing exactly that with the delegation, it's a giant step
> backward in my opinion.
> We also spend some times on having a simpler syntax for delegation
> class MapWrapper {
> private final Map map = ...
> public void put(K key, V value) = map::put;
> public void remove(K key, V value) = map::remove;
> }
> Here at least, the API is stable. This feature is part of the feature
> named "concise method" in the mailing list.
> >
> > - Nir
> Rémi
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