Feedback for records: Accessors name() vs. getName()

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Thu Aug 27 17:12:07 UTC 2020

Just because there was recent discussion on this, here's a link to the 
recent PR for adding records support to Jackson:

While there's lots of frameworks out there, I think this illustrates 
that the cost here is not that high, as long as the package is 
maintained (and if it isn't, should you really be using it?)  By the 
time records are finalized, we expect many of the frameworks will 
already support them.

On 8/5/2020 8:51 AM, Kamil Ševeček wrote:
> 5. All libraries will have to be adapted
> ----------------------------------------
> There are a lot of libraries that depend on the get/set convention and you
> would prevent their usage for records. Such as BeanTableModel (swing
> TableModel implementation), Jackson JSON parser and many others.

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