@Language annotation for JDK 13 text blocks
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at oracle.com
Sat Feb 8 00:10:32 UTC 2020
Alex has correctly pointed out that annotations on expressions are not
currently supported (and in fact the original design never really
considered them a serious target of opportunity, because the design
center at the time was squarely "class, method, and field metadata").
This would be a major investment, and frankly, I don't see the return on
Separately ...
> Another issue would be: where/how to standardize the set of
> "languages"? The IANA registry with media types doesn't contain things
> like SQL (let alone all its dialects), JSP, JSX, etc. And it's not
> Java SE's job to maintain such a registry either.
Indeed it is not. But, this is closely related to another problem which
we care about, which is: if I am constructing (say) an SQL string,
whether by concatenation or by some future interpolation feature
(please, no discussion of this now, it is not on the table right now), I
would like to use some sort of SQL-specific sanitizer on arguments to
avoid injection attacks.
As Alex mentions, in addition to nonexistent annotations on expressions,
there are a few places where we can stash additional metadata, all of
them ugly:
- inside the delimiter: String s = ""{SQL}" ...SQL content starts on
next line... """;
- on the first line after the delimiter, which currently must be blank:
String s = """ I AM A SQL STRING [1]
SELECT * from Foo""";
- inside the string itself, using escapes: String s =
"""\$blahSQLblah$ ... SQL content on next line... """; [1]
and I'm sure you can think of others, equally ugly.
[1] Deliberately stupid syntax used for conceptual illustration only.
> Kind regards, Anthony
> PS: the Text Blocks JEP [1] specifies amber-dev as the mailing list
> for discussion, so I took the liberty to change the mailing lists. As
> I understand it, ide-support-dev is meant for IDE/tooling support when
> working on the OpenJDK codebase itself
> [1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/368
> On 07/02/2020 12:58, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> It would be of great support for IDEs, editors, and tools of various
>> kinds
>> if a @Language annotation would be part of the support for text
>> blocks, so
>> that tooling would be able to determine which editor should be injected
>> within the text block.
>> For example, imagine this annotation on top of a text block:
>> @Language="text/html"
>> That would then be used by IDEs, editors, tools, etc, to determine
>> that the
>> text within the block is HTML and that therefore, for the tools that
>> support this (e.g., NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA), an HTML editor would
>> then be
>> injected within the text block, which would make HTML-oriented syntax
>> coloring, code completion, etc, available within the text block.
>> If this meets with enthusiasm, what would the next steps be? An
>> addition to
>> the text block spec or a new spec or something different?
>> Thanks,
>> Geertjan
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