Retrofitting classes as records in the JDK

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Tue Feb 25 14:24:23 UTC 2020

> However, this brings up a question: can the visibility of an accessor 
> method be changed or the method removed? Looking at the specs I found 
> [1], it seems that the answer is no, but it's not that clear to me:

The method cannot be removed.  Under the current spec, it _must_ be 
public.  Under the spec current in revision, the rule will be relaxed 
that it has the same accessibility as the class, but can be made _more_ 
accessible, but not less.  It is part of the API; removing it / hiding 
it would violate this.

You can implement it to through UOE, but in that case, you should 
question whether you should be using records in the first place.

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