Java 14 records canonical constructor
Christian Beikov
christian.beikov at
Thu Jun 4 20:18:41 UTC 2020
Am 04.06.2020 um 21:39 schrieb Brian Goetz:
> OK, this seems a totally different question to the one you initially
> asked :)
> You're basically saying: why is a record constructor allowed to do
> _anything_ other than check invariants?
> I understand where this desire comes from. But, let's pull on that
> string.
> Suppose you want to write a record like:
> record Rational(int num, int denom) { }
> It seems pretty reasonable to want to normalize the numerator and
> denominator to lowest terms; among other things, this makes it easy to
> obtain the likely-desired invariant of `new Rational(1, 2)` equals
> `new Rational(2, 4)`. Sure, you could export that responsibility on
> the client, or provide a separate factory `Rational::inLowestTerms`,
> but surely you see how that is more error-prone.
Let's say that normalization is allowed in the canonical constructor,
how would that interact with e.g. pattern matching which I assume is the
main consumer of the "re-construction" property of records.
Would the following match the first or the second case?
switch (new Rational(1, 2)) {
case Rational(2, 4):
case Rational(1, 2):
I guess what I am asking is, will the pattern cause a Rational object to
be instantiated such that the normalization can happen for that pattern
object as well? If not, then it seems to me that a canonical constructor
that alters/mutates the arguments is broken and can't be used for
pattern matching.
> Suppose you have a record whose components are mutable (say, an
> array.) You might well want to perform a defensive copy on the way in
> (and, possibly on the way out, in the accessor.)
> You might be willing to say "ban all these uses, they should all be
> illegal", and that would be a principled and defensible position. But
> surely you see as well that this would lead to less useful records.
> Now, we struggled a lot with whether we can forbid the "bad" cases and
> keep the "good" cases. This went about as well as you might expect.
> So instead, we settled on allowing users to override accessors, to
> normalize arguments in the constructor, and to override equals, with
> the caveat that `java.lang.Record` imposes some stronger invariants on
> `equals()`, and you'd better maintain those.
I'm not saying that these use cases should be banned, but maybe the
canonical constructor should be made package-private by default? A user
can then use the "compact named constructor" or a custom constructor for
doing defensive copying. That way the state can be kept deeply immutable
and at the same time the canonical constructor is ensured to be safe.
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