Java 14 records canonical constructor
Christian Beikov
christian.beikov at
Fri Jun 5 07:18:13 UTC 2020
Am 04.06.2020 um 22:37 schrieb Brian Goetz:
> To ask `x instanceof Rational(2, 4)` (assuming numeric literals are
> the denotation of constant patterns), this expression is equivalent to
> matching the pattern:
> Rational(var _a, var _b) && _a instanceof 2 && _b instanceof 4
> I think there's your answer. The sub-patterns are not "passed" like
> parameters to the deconstruction pattern; they stay at the use site,
> and are applied monadically if the outer pattern matches. There is no
> Rational that will match the pattern `Rational(2, 4)`.
>> I guess what I am asking is, will the pattern cause a Rational object
>> to be instantiated such that the normalization can happen for that
>> pattern object as well? If not, then it seems to me that a canonical
>> constructor that alters/mutates the arguments is broken and can't be
>> used for pattern matching.
> I think maybe you just have a mental model of how records and/or
> pattern matching works, and it isn't quite how it does work. (That's
> fine, and we're happy to educate, but loaded words like "broken" are
> probably best avoided.)
> Pattern matching is _destructuring_; taking a whole and destructuring
> it into parts. The output of a pattern match on a rational is going
> to be some flavor of "numerator and denominator".
The destructuring makes sense. That's what I would have expected actually.
> I think what you're probably thinking is that asking `x instanceof
> Rational(2, 4)` means "could x have come from the constructor
> invocation `new Rational(2, 4)`. But that's not what it means.
> (Though you can ask this question easily by: r.equals(new
> Rational(2,4))`.
I wasn't sure how this property of records, that they are "plain data
carrieres" i.e. re-constructible through their component values, would
be utilized and guess I thought it has to be utilized for something in
the language e.g. pattern matching.
I still think it would be nice if it could be avoided that developers
shoot their foot by implementing a non-idempotent canonical record
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