Throwing exceptions from records

Ty Young youngty1997 at
Thu Mar 5 20:04:40 UTC 2020

On 3/5/20 1:39 PM, Vicente Romero wrote:
> Hi Ty,
> On 3/5/20 2:12 PM, Ty Young wrote:
>> Actually going to expand this a bit after messing around with records...
>> How is records supposed to work beyond the most basic usage of 
>> Point(int x, int y)? There isn't much information out there for the 
>> more advanced usages so I'm confused.
>> To go into more detail, I'm trying to convert this:
>> which doesn't seem possible as-is because you can't throw exceptions 
>> from record constructors.
> you can't throw exceptions from _canonical_ record constructors, being 
> a canonical record constructor the one with the same signature as the 
> record header but you can do:
> record R(int i) {
>     public R() throws Exception {  // not a canonical constructor so 
> no restriction
>         this(someMethodReturningIntThatThrows());  // invoking the 
> canonical constructor
>     }
> }
>> Furthermore there seems to be some constraint where constructor 
>> arguments have to match the record argument signature. Why does that 
>> even matter?
> only the canonical but you can declare other constructors with a 
> different signature

The problem is that the constructor arguments require preprocessing but 
you can't do that since the canonical constructor has to be called 
first. I suppose static methods could be used to do that but that feels 
like a bad workaround for something that will probably be fairly common.

As a knock off effect individual class implementations are basically 
worthless since every record that implements my "NativeFunction" 
interface will be forced to accept the same type arguments. That might 
sound like a good thing but the thing is, while they accept the same 
object type, the details of those objects can be very different from one 

>> As a result, I can't convert classes like:
>> to a record.
> HTH,
> Vicente

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