RFR: JDK-8225056 VM support for sealed classes

serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
Tue May 19 18:09:30 UTC 2020

On 5/19/20 09:46, Harold Seigel wrote:
> That sounds good!
> Thanks, Harold
> On 5/19/2020 11:53 AM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>> Hi Harold,
>> The Serviceability part including the tests looks good to me.
>> I can file a JVMTI enhancement on the jvmtiRedefineClasses.cpp 
>> refactoring if you are okay with it.

Filed enhancement and assigned to myself:
     refactor the redefine check that an attribute consisting of a list 
of classes has not changed


>> Thanks,
>> Serguei
>> On 5/18/20 22:26, David Holmes wrote:
>>> Hi Harold,
>>> Adding serviceability-dev for the serviceability related changes.
>>> Nit: "VM support for sealed classes"
>>> This RFR covers the VM, core-libs, serviceability and even some 
>>> langtools tests. AFAICS only the javac changes are not included here 
>>> so when and where will they be reviewed and under what bug id? 
>>> Ideally there will be a single JBS issue for "Implementation of JEP 
>>> 360: Sealed types". It's okay to break up the RFRs across different 
>>> areas, but it should be done under one bug id.
>>> Overall this looks good. I've looked at all files and mainly have 
>>> some style nits in various places. But there are some more 
>>> significant items below.
>>> On 14/05/2020 7:09 am, Harold Seigel wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Please review this patch for JVM and Core-libs support for the JEP 
>>>> 360 Sealed Classes preview feature.  Code changes include the 
>>>> following:
>>>>   * Processing of the new PermittedSubclasses attribute to enforce 
>>>> that
>>>>     a class or interface, whose super is a sealed class or interface,
>>>>     must be listed in the super's PermittedSubclasses attribute.
>>>>   * Disallow redefinition of a sealed class or interface if its
>>>>     redefinition would change its PermittedSubclasses attribute.
>>>>   * Support API's to determine if a class or interface is sealed 
>>>> and, if
>>>>     it's sealed, return a list of its permitted subclasses.
>>>>   * asm support for the PermittedSubclasses attribute
>>> I assume Remi is providing the upstream support in ASM? :) But also 
>>> see below ...
>>>> Open Webrev: 
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~vromero/8225056/webrev.00/index.html
>>> make/data/jdwp/jdwp.spec
>>> There needs to be a sub-task and associated CSR request for this 
>>> JDWP spec update. I couldn't see this covered anywhere.
>>> ---
>>> src/hotspot/share/classfile/classFileParser.cpp
>>> 3215 u2 
>>> ClassFileParser::parse_classfile_permitted_subclasses_attribute(const 
>>> ClassFileStream* const cfs,
>>> 3216 const u1* const permitted_subclasses_attribute_start,
>>> 3217 TRAPS) {
>>> Indention on L3216/17 needs fixing after the copy'n'edit.
>>> 3515   return _major_version == JVM_CLASSFILE_MAJOR_VERSION &&
>>> 3516              _minor_version == JAVA_PREVIEW_MINOR_VERSION &&
>>> 3517              Arguments::enable_preview();
>>> Too much indentation on L3516/17
>>> 3790                 // Check for PermittedSubclasses tag
>>> That comment (copied from my nestmates code :) is in the wrong 
>>> place. It needs to be before
>>> 3788             if (tag == vmSymbols::tag_permitted_subclasses()) {
>>> Minor nit: I would suggest checking 
>>> parsed_permitted_subclasses_attribute before checking ACC_FINAL.
>>> 3876   if (parsed_permitted_subclasses_attribute) {
>>> 3877     const u2 num_of_subclasses = 
>>> parse_classfile_permitted_subclasses_attribute(
>>> 3878                                    cfs,
>>> 3879 permitted_subclasses_attribute_start,
>>> 3880                                    CHECK);
>>> Although it looks odd the preceding, similarly shaped, sections all 
>>> indent to the same absolute position. Can you make L3878/78/80 match 
>>> please.
>>> 3882       guarantee_property(
>>> 3883         permitted_subclasses_attribute_length ==
>>> 3884           sizeof(num_of_subclasses) + sizeof(u2) * 
>>> num_of_subclasses,
>>> 3885         "Wrong PermittedSubclasses attribute length in class 
>>> file %s", CHECK);
>>> Nits: please reformat as:
>>> 3882       guarantee_property(
>>> 3883         permitted_subclasses_attribute_length == 
>>> sizeof(num_of_subclasses) + sizeof(u2) * num_of_subclasses,
>>> 3885         "Wrong PermittedSubclasses attribute length in class 
>>> file %s", CHECK);
>>> It would also look slightly better if you shortened the name of the 
>>> num_of_subclasses variable.
>>> ---
>>> src/hotspot/share/classfile/classFileParser.hpp
>>> +   u2 parse_classfile_permitted_subclasses_attribute(const 
>>> ClassFileStream* const cfs,
>>> +                                             const u1* const 
>>> permitted_subclasses_attribute_start,
>>> +                                             TRAPS);
>>> Please fix indentation after copy'n'edit.
>>> ---
>>> src/hotspot/share/oops/instanceKlass.cpp
>>>  247   if (classloader1 != classloader2) {
>>> I'm not clear what rule this is verifying. The same module check 
>>> follows this one. The rule is that the subclass must be accessible 
>>> to the superclass implying:
>>> 1. same named module (regardless of class access modifiers); or
>>> 2. (implicitly in un-named module) same package if subclass not 
>>> public; or
>>> 3. public subclass
>>> Having the same classloader implies same package, but that alone 
>>> doesn't address 2 or 3. So this doesn't conform to proposed JVMS rules.
>>>  264     if (_constants->tag_at(cp_index).is_klass()) {
>>>  265       Klass* k2 = _constants->klass_at(cp_index, CHECK_false);
>>> You've copied this code from the nestmember checks but your changes 
>>> don't quite make sense to me. If we have already checked is_klass() 
>>> then klass_at() cannot lead to any exceptions.
>>>  272       if (name == k->name()) {
>>>  273         log_trace(class, sealed)("- Found it at 
>>> permitted_subclasses[%d] => cp[%d]", i, cp_index);
>>>  274         return true;
>>> I was wondering why you don't resolve the cp entry when you find the 
>>> name matches, as we do for nest members, but realized that unlike 
>>> the nest membership check, which can happen many times for a given 
>>> class, this permitted subclass check can only happen once per class. 
>>> As you don't actually resolve here, and given that the earlier check 
>>> cannot throw exceptions, it follows that the entire method never 
>>> results in any exceptions and so callers should not be using the 
>>> CHECK macro.
>>> ---
>>> src/hotspot/share/oops/method.cpp
>>> I don't understand how knowing the class is sealed allows you to 
>>> infer that a non-final method is actually final ??
>>> ---
>>>  src/hotspot/share/prims/jvm.cpp
>>> It would be simpler (and cheaper) if the Java side of this ensures 
>>> it doesn't call into the VM with an array or primitive class.
>>> ---
>>>  src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmti.xml
>>> The JVM TI spec changes also need to be covered by a CSR request.
>>> ---
>>> src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiRedefineClasses.cpp
>>> We should file a RFE to refactor the logic that checks that an 
>>> attribute consisting of a list of classes has not changed. :)
>>> Aside: I spotted a bug in the nest member code (missing NULL check!) 
>>> thanks to your change :)
>>> ---
>>> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Class.java
>>> There needs to be a CSR request for these changes.
>>> +      * Returns an array containing {@code ClassDesc} objects 
>>> representing all the
>>> +      * permitted subclasses of this {@linkplain Class} if it is 
>>> sealed. Returns an empty array if this
>>> +      * {@linkplain Class} is not sealed.
>>> should add "or this class represents an array or primitive type" 
>>> (using the standard wording for such cases).
>>> +      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a class descriptor is 
>>> not in the correct format
>>> IllegalArgumentException is not an appropriate exception to use as 
>>> this method takes no arguments. If the class descriptor is not valid 
>>> and it comes from the VM then I think we have a problem with how the 
>>> VM validates class descriptors. Any IAE from ClassDesc.of should be 
>>> caught and converted to a more suitable exception type - preferably 
>>> InternalError if the VM should always return valid strings.
>>> +     public ClassDesc[] getPermittedSubclasses() {
>>> As mentioned for jvm.cpp this Java code should do the isArray() and 
>>> isPrimitive() check before calling the VM.
>>> +         String[] descriptors = getPermittedSubclasses0();
>>> Nit: what you get from the VM are not descriptors, just name strings 
>>> in internal form. This wouldn't really matter except it then looks 
>>> strange to call ClassDesc.of(...) instead of 
>>> ClassDesc.ofDescriptor(...).
>>> +         if (descriptors == null
>>> The VM never returns null.
>>> +         return getPermittedSubclasses().length != 0;
>>> It's grossly inefficient to create the ClassDesc array and then 
>>> throw it away IMO. The result should be cached either in a field of 
>>> Class or in the ReflectionData of the class.
>>> ---
>>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/org/objectweb/asm/ClassReader.java 
>>> !         // - The offset of the PermittedSubclasses attribute, or 0
>>>           int permittedSubtypesOffset = 0;
>>> Obviously ASM already has some prelim support for sealed classes, 
>>> but now that the attribute has been renamed that should also flow 
>>> through to the ASM code ie the variable, not just the comment.
>>> Ditto for ClassWriter.java and its fields.
>>> ---
>>> src/java.base/share/native/libjava/Class.c
>>>       {"isRecord0",            "()Z",         (void *)&JVM_IsRecord},
>>> +     {"getPermittedSubclasses0", "()[" STR,    (void 
>>> *)&JVM_GetPermittedSubclasses},
>>> please align (void
>>> ---
>>> src/java.instrument/share/classes/java/lang/instrument/Instrumentation.java 
>>> src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/jdi/VirtualMachine.java
>>> There needs to be a CSR for these changes too.
>>> ---
>>> test/langtools/tools/javac/processing/model/TestSourceVersion.java
>>> !                    // Assume "record" and "sealed" will be 
>>> restricted keywords.
>>> !                    "record", "sealed");
>>> What about the non-sealed keyword defined in the JEP?
>>> ---
>>> In the tests you don't need to explicitly include 
>>> sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission on the ClassFileInstaller 
>>> invocation. (previous RFE's have been removing existing occurrences 
>>> after the CFI was fixed to handle it internally).
>>> Please ensure all new tests have an @bug 8225056 (or whatever the 
>>> actual JBS issue will be)
>>> All test classes (and thus files) should be named in camel-case i.e. 
>>> C1 not c1, C2 not c2, SuperClass not superClass etc.
>>> test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/modules/sealedP1/superClass.jcod
>>> test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/sealedClasses/Pkg/sealedInterface.jcod
>>> Please add comments clarifying why these must be jcod files.
>>> ---
>>> That's it from me.
>>> Thanks,
>>> David
>>> -----
>>>> JBS bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8225056
>>>> Java Language Spec changes: 
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~gbierman/jep360/jep360-20200513/specs/sealed-classes-jls.html 
>>>> JVM Spec changes: 
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~gbierman/jep360/jep360-20200513/specs/sealed-classes-jvms.html 
>>>> JEP 360: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8227043
>>>> JVM CSR: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8242578
>>>> Changes to javac and other language tools will be reviewed separately.
>>>> Thanks, Harold

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