Dynamic Constants adoption IRL

Michael van Acken michael.van.acken at gmail.com
Mon Apr 19 18:13:08 UTC 2021

Am Do., 15. Apr. 2021 um 17:05 Uhr schrieb Maxim Degtyarev <
mdegtyarev at gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> Is there currently real-life examples of dynamic constants adoption in
> programming languages targeting JVM or either libraries and
> frameworks?

I'm using dynamic constants in a compiler for a variant of Clojure.

Some literals (symbol, keyword, regex pattern) and structured values
(i.e. map, set, vector, and list) with constant elements are mapped
directly to condy.  Function values that do not close over any state
are represented by condys wrapping the method handles of the
function arities.

-- mva

Or are there currently no projects using dynamic constants? Maybe any
> planned in the future?
> Quick googling was unsuccessful.

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