Destructuring / Patterns in for-each

August Nagro augustnagro at
Wed Jan 20 00:06:05 UTC 2021


I wouldn't be surprised if this has been thought of / discussed before, but
I would love to some day use destructuring in for-each loops, kind of like
the for-of loop in JavaScript.

For example, instead of

record Point(double x, double y) {};

double greatestMagnitude = 0.0;
Point[] points = ...

for (Point p : points) {
  greatestMagnitude =
    max(greatestMagnitude, sqrt(pow(p.x(), 2) + pow(p.y(), 2)))

We could have:

for (Point(var x, var y) : points) {
  greatestMagnitude =
    max(greatestMagnitude, sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2)))

Not a huge improvement in this example, but there's a lot of code like
this. It would be a nice bonus if Map.Entry could be destructured, but I
don't see how that would be possible since it's an interface.



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