Feedback: Using pattern context to make type patterns more consistent and manage nulls

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at
Mon Jan 25 00:46:49 UTC 2021

On Sun, 24 Jan 2021 at 16:56, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:
> I think the “OMG the nulls will eat us in our sleep” fears are dramatically overblown.  Before we set anything on fire, I think we should come to terms with why we think there is such a problem.

And I'll point out that my last email tried really hard to express
that I consider null to be a secondary effect here. I'm not concerned
with null, but with basic code readability and consistency.

> Type patterns do work consistently when you zoom out just a tiny bit, and recognize that pattern matching exists in a static type context.  Suppose I have `record Box(Object) {}`.  Then the pattern:
>     case Box(Object o):
> is, in some sense is “one” pattern match; the inner pattern (Object o) can be statically determined to always succeed when the outer one does, and therefore the only dynamic test here is for Box-hood.  So we test for Box-hood, conditionally cast, extract the contents, and *assign* it to o.  Assignment doesn’t say “if the contents are null, fail”; it’s just that there *is no inner match here*.   But in the pattern:
>     case Box(String s):
> this is “two” pattern matches: even if the outer pattern matches, the inner might not.  There are two dynamic tests, first for box-hood, and then for string-hood of the box contents.

That is a huge inconsistency! A developer has nothing in the code to
separate the static one from the dynamic one:

 switch (box) {
   case Box(Integer i) ...
   case Box(Number n) ...

Reading this code I have no way of knowing what it does. None.

If box is Box<Number> it does one thing. If box is Box<Object> it does
something else. Sure the impact is only on null, but that is a
secondary detail and not what is driving my concern. The key point is
that someone reading the code can't tell what branch the code will
take, and can get a different outcome for two identical patterns in
different parts of the codebase.

> zoom out just a tiny bit, and recognize that pattern matching exists in a static type context

This is the key bit. While obviously there is a static type context
that provides a boundary to the problem space, the context can be
*invisible*. What you are offering is a proposal where the meaning of
the pattern `Type t` varies based on hidden information. Using the
static context is effectively a premature optimization with very
negative effects.

What I am suggesting is a simple requirement, that a pattern `Type t`
is always dynamic, matching like instanceof wherever it is found, This
has to be the requirement because that is what the developer
physically wrote in the code, and identical looking coding elements
should work in identical ways (eg. String s and Object o).

If you can find an alternative to using `var` in the way I propose
that is fine by me. As I pointed out in my last email, the situations
where there is a conflict to resolve are relatively rare, because best
practice is to use `var` for the final case anyway.

As it stands, the proposal will never be acceptable to me because it
fails the code readability test - premature optimization by using the
static context means the code doesn't do what it says it does.


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