Pattern method names based on existing library conventions [was Re: Pattern matching for nested List with additional size constraints]
Stephen Colebourne
scolebourne at
Thu Jan 28 00:21:44 UTC 2021
On Wed, 27 Jan 2021 at 20:03, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:
> if (p instanceof Profile(Rules(List.of(var rule, ...)))) {...}
With my library design hat on, I don't think "of" is a suitable method
name here. "of" is strongly linked to creation, not extraction (see
also "valueOf" on some other classes). Looking further, I found three
different kinds pattern method that benefit from different treatment
at the use-site:
1) Factory methods that should be constructors
Some factory methods exist simply because a constructor was not an
acceptable alternative - LocalDate.of(int, int, int),
Integer.valueOf(int) and List.of(T...) being three examples for
different reasons. Given this, it seems desirable that the language
should allow *some* pattern methods to have a use-site syntax that
looks exactly like a deconstructor.
if (p instanceof Profile(Rules(List(var rule, ...)))) {...}
if (p instanceof LocalDate(var year, month, day)) { ..}
if (p instanceof Integer(var value)) { ..}
if (p instanceof Optional(var value)) { ..}
if (p instanceof Optional()) { ..}
for (Map.Entry(var key, var value) : map.entrySet() {...}
In all these situations, the binding is effectively taking the raw
contents and binding them, as records do, and that is what the
use-site syntax should be.
2) Extract everything and Transform.
This is where the inbound factory method performs a meaningful
transformation, not just a straightforward assignment. A typical
example is `LocalDate.ofYearDay(int, int)` vs `LocalDate.of(int, int,
int)`. The pattern method will typically always match, but it doesn't
have to. Examples so far suggest these kind of transformation
factories would look like:
if (p instanceof LocalDate.ofYearDay(var year, var dayOfYear)) { ..}
But I'm not creating a LocalDate, I'm extracting it.
It seems to me that there is already a method prefix that already
represents something like "extract and transform" - the method prefix
"as". eg. "I want the LocalDate as a YearDay"
3) Check and Extract.
This is like the `Rule.dynamic(var dc)` example in this thread, where
there is not always a match. Here, there are two distinct parts to the
problem - matching and extraction, but the existing proposed syntax
merges those two parts:
if (p instanceof Map.withMapping(key)(var value)) {...}
Again, I don't think "withMapping" works well as a method name. Nor do
I believe this flows well when trying to read what it says.
But it seems to me that there is already a boolean method on Map that
performs the desired match. It is called `containsKey`. I believe this
will be true of the vast majority of pattern methods, eg.
`String.contains()`, `Class.isArray()` and many more. Typically these
are `isXxx()` methods.
So, my key observation is that pattern methods should be building on
the existing knowledge developers have of libraries by using these
existing boolean method names in patterns.
Pattern methods should be based on the *existing* method names
developers are already familiar with, with multi-step match & bind
where appropriate.
Instead of this:
if (p instanceof LocalDate.ofYearDay(var year, var dayOfYear)) {...}
I propose:
if (p instanceof LocalDate(asYearDay(var year, var dayOfYear)) { ..}
Instead of this:
if (p instanceof Map.withMapping(key)(var value)) {...}
I propose:
if (p instanceof Map(containsKey(key).get(var value)) {...}
the regex example:
if (str instanceof matches(REGEX).groups(var match1, var match2)) { ..}
the JSON example:
switch (doc) {
case hasKey("firstName").asString(var first) &
hasKey("lastName").asString(var last) &
hasKey("age").asInt(var age) &
hasKey("city").asString(var city) &
hasKey("state").asString(var state)
) & ...
-> ...
and for the example from this thread:
if (p instanceof Profile(Rules(List(isDynamic(var dc), ...))) {
- the "as" method prefix is normally used when the match does not
fail, but doesn't have to
- the "is" method prefix is used when the match may fail
- this approach allows one pattern match method to have many different
associated pattern binding methods (in the first example, "get()" is
not special, it is just a method name)
- a combined match and bind pattern method is still allowed (the last
example, which is a bit like a cast)
- the JSON example is more like how a library writer might want to
separate the responsibilities (one method for "is there a key" and
many for "what type is it" which could perhaps throw with a meaningful
debug error)
Conceptually, `_.containsKey(key).get(var value)` can be thought of as
conjoined. A bit like a call to `containsKey` followed by a call to
`get` on the same target, but with some linked context. Of course, it
doesn't have to be implemented that way, but it is possible that the
declaration site might look something like:
public class Map {
public default pattern containsKey(K key).get(V value) ....
with an implementation that just calls on to the existing two methods
of the same name.
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