JEP 406 type inference

Jakob Brünker jakob.bruenker at
Thu Jul 8 02:00:10 UTC 2021

Hi all,

I've been excited to try doing some things with JEP 406 for a while now,
and when attempting to implement some things, I stumbled over an apparent
shortcoming that surprised me:

Compiling this code:

import java.util.function.Function;

sealed interface Either<A, B> permits Either.Left, Either.Right {
    final record Left<A, B>(A a) implements Either<A, B> {}
    final record Right<A, B>(B b) implements Either<A, B> {}

    default <C> Either<C, B> first(Function<A, C> f) {
        return switch (this) {
            case Left l -> new Left<C, B>(f.apply(l.a));
            case Right r -> new Right<C, B>(r.b);

with javac --enable-preview --release 18, results in error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to A
            case Left l -> new Left<C, B>(f.apply(l.a));
  where A is a type-variable:
    A extends Object declared in interface Either error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to B
            case Right r -> new Right<C, B>(r.b);
  where B is a type-variable:
    B extends Object declared in interface Either

It seems to determine that the field b of the Right record, which should be
a B, is actually an Object, and similarly for Left.

It's possible to implement this method with the visitor-pattern, but I
would have expected this to be equivalent.

Is this intentional?


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