Case default

Thiago Henrique Hupner thihup at
Tue Jun 15 14:16:07 UTC 2021


Trying out the JEP 406: Pattern Matching for switch and I've found that the
is accepting "case default" instead of only "default".
However, I couldn't find which JEP added this support.

Another thing that came up when migrating some existing code to pattern
matching for switch
was the ability to "match" a default value. An example of what I tried to
do was changing

private static Long coerceToLong(Object value) {
        value = convertToNumber(value);
        if (value instanceof Long newValue) {
            return newValue;
        if (value instanceof Number number) {
            return number.longValue();
        if (value instanceof String newValue) {
            return Long.valueOf(newValue);
        throw new Exception(CANNOT_CONVERT_TO.formatted(value, "Long"));

To this:

private static Long coerceToLong(Object value) {
        return switch(convertToNumber(value)) {
            case Long asLong -> asLong;
            case Number asNumber -> asNumber.longValue();
            case String asString -> Long.valueOf(asString);
            case default asValue -> throw new
Exception(CANNOT_CONVERT_TO.formatted(asValue, "Long"));

However, as the default case doesn't allow a pattern variable, I had to do
the following

    private static Long coerceToLong(Object value) {
        value = convertToNumber(value);
        return switch(value) {
            case Long asLong -> asLong;
            case Number asNumber -> asNumber.longValue();
            case String asString -> Long.valueOf(asString);
            case default -> throw new
ELException(CANNOT_CONVERT_TO.formatted(value, "Long"));

This is OK, but as long as the switch allows "case default", it gives the
impression that
the value is available to extract too.

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