Better exception handling

Aaron Scott-Boddendijk talden at
Tue Mar 23 23:40:37 UTC 2021

> Much of the pain of checked exceptions is not intrinsic to the language
mechanism itself,
> but to the way checkedness is determined (an exception is checked if it
> extends Throwable but not RuntimeExcpetion or Error) and by misuse of
> checked exceptions in early libraries

Another pain-point is the lack of composability of checked-exception types
over generics (or rather than exceptions don't have special handling within

You can write...

     ThrowingFunction<T, U, X> { U apply(T t) throws X; }

But have no way to compose two functions with differing X1 and X2 without
throwing away type-information, and no way to nicely elide the 'X' when
there is no exception (or no checked exception).

I had wondered about an option 'throwing position' generic argument and an
| notation for composing the value

    ThrowingFunction<T , U, throws X> { U apply(T t) throws X; }
    ThrowingFunction<Source, Intermediary, throws FailureOne> first = ...
    ThrowingFunction<IntermediaryOne, IntermediaryTwo, _> second =  ... //
eliding the throws is an option, Specifying Void or RuntimeException is an
    ThrowingFunction<IntermediaryTwo, Target, throws FailureTwo> third =
    ThrowingFunction<Source, Target, throws FailureOne | FailureTwo> chain
= first.andThen(second).andThen(third);

It would conceivably enable a version of APIs like 'Stream' API that could
propagate exceptions (and other useful constructs) - especially if adding a
'throwing position' argument were type compatible with callers eliding it

But this is adding to quite a few places in the language, would be hard to
use in a non-verbose manner and no doubt has some hairy edge-cases.

And that's without even thinking about how this combines with established

Several increasingly popular languages are going in the other direction
from 'unchecked' (not using exceptions mind you), making error-checking
something you can't ignore.

Not only is the 'checked exceptions suck' opinion not universally held
within the Java community, but the lack of them in languages like C# is
even occasionally derided by users of stricter languages. Without
checked-exceptions, you're at the mercy of vendor documentation to know
which exceptions to catch - making that the compiler's job is a strength in
the language (especially if the modes of failure change with a dependency
version update).

They're not wrong about the amount of ceremony though (especially in
use-site cases where the caller knows certain exception  cases are not

Aaron Scott-Boddendijk

On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 12:53 AM Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:

> People have probably been hesitant to reply because they have seen what
> happens when someone starts a discussion on checked exceptions (it's not
> pretty).  Let me just try to summarize where things are from the
> previous thousand such discussions....
> Joe Duffy said just about everything there is to say about error models:
> The main takeaways are:
>   - They are all unpleasant, but for different reasons that bother
> different people differently, and people tend to be unpleasantly
> religious about their favorite model, which makes reasoned discourse
> difficult;
>   - Error models are a property not only of the language but of the
> ecosystem as a whole; if different libraries have different error
> models, they can't be composed.
> To which I'll add:
>   - For an opinion like "checked exceptions suck", it is very easy to
> convince yourself that this opinion is universally held.  It is not.  It
> is just that the people who hold this opinion (and there are plenty) are
> vocal about it, and the silent majority who think it's "meh, not great,
> but good enough" are quietly getting their work done and don't bother to
> engage in the argument.
> Which is to say, Java has picked its model, and while we can complain
> about it (but not here, please), it is what we have, and it is not as
> bad as people would like to make it out to be. Much of the pain of
> checked exceptions is not intrinsic to the language mechanism itself,
> but to the way checkedness is determined (an exception is checked if it
> extends Throwable but not RuntimeExcpetion or Error) and by misuse of
> checked exceptions in early libraries, before we came to a better
> understanding of when to use one vs the other.  Even if the language
> offered help at the use site, the fact that InputStream::close throws a
> checked exception is still going to be a problem (what are you supposed
> to do, close it again?)
> To your point, yes, there are things that could be done to reduce the
> syntactic pain of checked exceptions.  But, as you point out,
> straightforward try-catch expressions don't remove most of the overhead;
> they just trim around the edges. Exceptions are better than statements,
> so this is not nothing, but for most people, it would be met by "but
> that doesn't fix my problem."  There are more aggressive things that a
> "try" expression could do, but they would require deeper intrusion into
> other parts of the language, so this is not an "easy fix" (though still
> a viable avenue for exploration.)
> (As an overlay that makes the problem even more difficult, the rhetoric
> over this particular topic is so toxic that it makes one less inclined
> to invest a lot of energy; it is virtually guaranteed that whatever we
> would propose would likely be met with such bile on the part of the
> haters, that I struggle to see a move that will actually make people
> happy.)
> On 3/21/2021 4:20 PM, d3coder wrote:
> > Try-catch expression would be really good feature, to avoid exception
> handling
> > bugs, i'm writing code like this:
> >
> > MyObject myObject;
> > try {
> >      myObject = myObjectFactory.newInstance();
> > } catch(IOException e) {
> >      throw new CustomException("Can't fetch", e);
> > }
> > myObject.doSomething();
> >
> > Sometimes i do similar code, but with automatic resource handling, e.g.
> > try(InputStream is = openStream())
> >
> > Any ideas how this could be made better? I though about try-catch
> expressions,
> > but it's still a lot of a code; I've thought about helper method like
> > getOrThrow(supplier, exception -> {}), but it's still feels like a half
> > solution
> >
> > Maybe language can offer something like ? syntax or would be try-catch
> > expressions enough?
> >
> >

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