Final variable initialization problem with exhaustive switch

Dimitris Paltatzidis dcrystalmails at
Mon Nov 29 20:04:19 UTC 2021

Consider the case:

enum Parity {ODD, EVEN}
Parity p = ...
final int a;
switch (p) {
    case Parity.ODD -> a = 1;
    case Parity.EVEN -> a = 0;
int b = a + 1; //Compile time error: variable a might not have been

The switch is exhaustive, yet we need to add a default case to compile. The
same behaviour is observed with instance final fields too.
Without changing the semantics, the code below compiles:

final int a = switch (p) {
    case Parity.ODD -> 1;
    case Parity.EVEN -> 0;
int b = a + 1; //Compiles

How can the compiler prove that the final variable will be initialized only
in the second case and not in the first too?

Thanks for your time.

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