Combining records and enumerations
Simon Ritter
sritter at
Tue Oct 12 20:10:14 UTC 2021
I hope this is the right list to post this to.
I was recently using an enumeration and it struck me that enums
containing a constructor and member declarations could be simplified by
adopting some of the syntax from records.
Here is an example of such an enumeration:
public enum Planet {
MERCURY(0.4, 0.055),
VENUS(0.7, 0.815),
EARTH(1.0, 1.0),
MARS(0.107, 1.5);
private double orbitalDistance;
private double earthMass;
Planet(double orbitalDistance, double earthMass) {
this.orbitalDistance = orbitalDistance;
this.earthMass = earthMass;
public double orbitalDistance() {
return orbitalDistance;
public double earthMass() {
return earthMass;
Most of this boiler-plate code is identical to the code eliminated by a
record from a simple data class. If we took the same approach we could
simplify this as:
public enum Planet(double orbitalDistance, double earthMass) {
MERCURY(0.4, 0.055),
VENUS(0.7, 0.815),
EARTH(1.0, 1.0),
MARS(0.107, 1.5);
The grammar for enumerations would only need to be extended to include
an EnumHeader
EnumDeclaration: {ClassModifier} enum TypeIdentifier EnumHeader
[ClassImplements] EnumBody
with EnumHeader using the same format as RecordHeader
( [EnumComponentList] )
I'm assuming changes to the compiler to implement this would not be
overly complex (although I have not looked at the code).
I'd be very interested to hear other people's opinion on this.
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