Loosen checking of unreachable suppressed exceptions in try-with-resources

Nikita An. Sokolov faucct at yandex-team.ru
Thu Oct 7 10:18:25 UTC 2021

(jep-submit at openjdk.java.net <mailto:jep-submit at openjdk.java.net> is unknown, so I am sending this proposal here)


Do not require to catch checked exceptions from closed resources when they are being suppressed by an unconditional throw inside try-block body.

Success Metrics

Method fileInputStream should compile and not require to handle IOException from closing fileInputStream, as it will always be suppressed by rethrown RuntimeException:

FileInputStream fileInputStream(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {
  final var fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
  try {
  } catch (Exception e) {
      try (fileInputStream) {
          throw e;
  return fileInputStream;

void checkSomething() {
  throw new RuntimeException();


This would let skipping unreachable catch sections.


I guess this would only require changes in Java compiler.

Risks and Assumptions

This change might require to delete unreachable catch blocks in some existing code. To smooth this change such blocks may be allowed, maybe producing a warning.

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