Strings and things
Cay Horstmann
cay.horstmann at
Fri Sep 17 17:05:55 UTC 2021
I am happy with the general direction.
I didn't understand the following sentence: "The only case handled by
most other languages that support string interpolation is the simplest
one -- uninterpreted concatenation."
In JavaScript, a tagged template literal does what I understand a
TemplatePolicy instance to do. In Scala, so does a StringContext. Both
mechanisms can return instances of arbitrary types, combining the
fragments and interpolated values as they see fit. Actually, both do it
a tiny bit more nicely, because instead of a templateString one gets an
array of fragments.
In Scala, one can use macros for compile-time checking, which is
probably not the sweet spot for Java. In JavaScript, one also gets (in
an icky way) the raw string fragments, so one can process for example
TeX with \epsilon and \cite. Or RTF. Not sure that's an important use case.
Anyway, you might want to reword the doc so that either it acknowledges
that you are thinking along the same lines, or make it clearer where you
go further.
Two more random thoughts.
1) I am wondering whether % formatting directives are common enough that
you want to take on the work of collecting them and passing them to the
processor. You have the power to use \% or \{...%...}, and then the
implementor doesn't have to worry about things like %%.
2) I've always found it irksome that MessageFormat has a large overlap
with String.format, but it uses its own ad-hoc syntax:
String pattern
= "{0} zerstörte am {2,date,long} {1,choice,0#kein Haus|1#ein
Haus|2#{1} Häuser}";
I haven't spent any thought on how to unify that with interpolation, but
I thought I'd throw it out there.
On 16/09/2021 16:28, Jim Laskey wrote:
> Dear amber-dev,
> Over on amber-spec-experts, I’ve posted a proposal for “string templates”. I
> hope people are as excited about this feature as we expect they will be.
> As a brief reminder, the amber-dev list is not, in general, for language
> design discussions; this list is primarily for discussion of implementation,
> bug repoorts, experience reports, etc. We should let the experts do their
> job without having to follow parallel discussions on multiple lists.
> If people want to post brief, reasoned feedback on the approach,
> applicability, or usefulness (but *NOT* the syntax) of the proposal here,
> that would be fine. Please, let’s keep it constructive.
> Cheers,
> -- Jim
Cay S. Horstmann | | mailto:cay at
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