Loosening requirements for super() invocation
Archie Cobbs
archie.cobbs at gmail.com
Fri Dec 30 04:10:50 UTC 2022
On Wed, Dec 28, 2022 at 4:31 PM Archie Cobbs <archie.cobbs at gmail.com> wrote:
> So fortunately it looks feasible to address these with
> @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") annotations.
> Adding them is probably a good thing in its own right, because they would
> serve as new "Heads up for possible 'this' escape" markers in the code
> where there were none before, especially because this gotcha can be pretty
> hard to spot.
> I'll work on refining the 'this' escape patch to use @SuppressWarnings
> instead of build flags, and then update this thread when that's done.
OK I have a draft of this. It's still a "draft" because I don't have the
ability to build locally for every platform, so I'm having trouble
provoking all the warnings from Java code that is platform-specific. And
the automated github builds take a long time and then only report one more
new warning, making for an impossibly slow feedback loop (if anyone is
interested in helping out, that would be awesome and it's very easy).
In any case, the good news is that fewer @SupppressWarnings annotations
than I thought are required. In part this is because there were some
redundant warnings being generated, which is now fixed.
Here are the updated stats. These numbers are promisingly low.
The first column is the number of @SupppressWarnings annotations added to
eliminate all of the new 'this' escape warnings I'm able to provoke.
47 3077 java.base
0 128 java.compiler
0 18 java.datatransfer
86 2899 java.desktop
0 10 java.instrument
0 23 java.logging
4 330 java.management
0 16 java.management.rmi
5 199 java.naming
15 142 java.net.http
0 20 java.prefs
4 106 java.rmi
0 15 java.scripting
0 1 java.se
7 216 java.security.jgss
0 30 java.security.sasl
0 23 java.smartcardio
1 77 java.sql
0 56 java.sql.rowset
0 5 java.transaction.xa
39 1848 java.xml
32 271 java.xml.crypto
3 20 jdk.accessibility
0 21 jdk.attach
0 18 jdk.charsets
53 333 jdk.compiler
1 76 jdk.crypto.cryptoki
0 35 jdk.crypto.ec
0 11 jdk.crypto.mscapi
4 68 jdk.dynalink
0 3 jdk.editpad
10 942 jdk.hotspot.agent
3 56 jdk.httpserver
0 5 jdk.incubator.concurrent
0 50 jdk.incubator.vector
0 3 jdk.internal.ed
1 61 jdk.internal.jvmstat
1 113 jdk.internal.le
1 52 jdk.internal.opt
5 209 jdk.internal.vm.ci
0 1 jdk.internal.vm.compiler
0 1 jdk.internal.vm.compiler.management
0 18 jdk.jartool
5 228 jdk.javadoc
0 41 jdk.jcmd
18 64 jdk.jconsole
10 124 jdk.jdeps
25 254 jdk.jdi
0 1 jdk.jdwp.agent
0 263 jdk.jfr
0 77 jdk.jlink
1 80 jdk.jpackage
6 88 jdk.jshell
0 4 jdk.jsobject
1 11 jdk.jstatd
0 281 jdk.localedata
1 25 jdk.management
0 19 jdk.management.agent
0 15 jdk.management.jfr
0 16 jdk.naming.dns
0 8 jdk.naming.rmi
0 11 jdk.net
0 2 jdk.nio.mapmode
0 11 jdk.random
0 37 jdk.sctp
0 30 jdk.security.auth
0 16 jdk.security.jgss
0 9 jdk.unsupported
0 8 jdk.unsupported.desktop
0 94 jdk.xml.dom
1 14 jdk.zipfs
Code available here <https://github.com/archiecobbs/jdk/tree/ThisEscape>.
Archie L. Cobbs
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