Records for Annotation Values

Nathan Reynolds numeralnathan at
Sat Jul 2 16:41:15 UTC 2022

If I understand correctly, records are immutable.  Annotation values
require immutable values.  Can we allow records for annotation values?
What would be the problems with this?

For example, I would love for Duration to be made into a record and then
Duration can be put into an annotation.

@Retry(maxAttempts = 3, delay = Duration.ofSeconds(10))

... as opposed to what is required today ...

@Retry(maxAttempts = 3, delay = 10, durationUnit = ChronoUnit.SECONDS)  //
This is error prone because the value and units are separated and the
reader may make a mistake

If Duration, Instant, etc. hasn't been made into a record, I realize that
this might need to wait so that the classes evolve slowly.  Let's ignore
that possible constraint for this discussion.
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