Proposal: `finally` block exception suppression

Joseph D. Darcy joe.darcy at
Thu Jul 14 05:37:04 UTC 2022

Besides the compatibility concerns of changing the operational semantics 
of code that has been written for year or even decades, IMO any 
investigation of a feature in this vein should judge how often 
suppressedExceptions are looked at today. JDK 7 with try-with-resources 
shipped in July 2011 so there has been ample time for developers to take 
advantage of the suppressed exceptions information.

If few people have, that would weigh further against a proposal to 
redefine the long-standing meaning of try-finally.


On 7/10/2022 12:35 PM, 
some-java-user-99206970363698485155 at wrote:
> This is not a formal JEP because I am not a OpenJDK member, and also because I would
> still like to get some feedback on this proposal. But it would be great if you could
> create a JEP if you consider this to be a useful proposal.
> This proposal originated from
> Thanks a lot already for David Holmes' initial feedback.
> # Summary
> Add automatic exception suppression when exceptions are thrown by `finally` blocks
> to preserve exceptions which occurred in `try` or `catch` blocks.
> # Description
> If exception E1 causes a `finally` block to be executed and the `finally` block is exited due
> to a thrown exception E2 (E2 may be the same as E1), then E1 is added as suppressed exception
> to E2.
> E1 can be an exception which occurred in the `try` block, or any of the `catch` blocks.
> This requires only changes in the compiler, the language reference and the tests.
> The language grammar is not affected.
> The behavior would be the same as the one shown by this code, where every line prefixed
> with # would be the code generated by the compiler:
> ```
> # Throwable e1 = null;
> try {
>      # try {
>          ... // content of try block
>      # } catch (Throwable t) {
>      #    e1 = t;
>      #    throw e1;
>      # }
> } catch (...) {
>      # e1 = null;
>      # try {
>          ... // content of catch block
>      # } catch (Throwable t) {
>      #    e1 = t;
>      #    throw e1;
>      # }
> } finally {
>      # try {
>          ... // content of finally block
>      # } catch (Throwable e2) {
>      #    if (e1 != null) {
>      #        e2.addSuppressed(e1);
>      #    }
>      #    throw e2;
>      # }
> }
> ```
> # Rationale
> Despite the existence of the try-with-resources statement which properly handles exception
> suppression, there are still situations where a regular try-(catch-)finally statement has
> to be used for clean-up actions, for example to call Lock.unlock().
> Usually the `try` block contains the main business logic and the `finally` block contains
> code for cleaning up resources or restoring a previous state. Therefore an exception which
> occurs in the `try` block is usually important to debug any application failures.
> The problem is that if the `finally` block is exited because an exception is thrown, then
> the original exception from the `try` block is lost; it is not even added as suppressed
> exception. A very simplified example for this is the following:
> ```
> try {
>      throw new Exception("try");
> } finally {
>      throw new Exception("finally");
> }
> ```
> (in more realistic code, instead of the `throw` statements there would be method calls which
> might throw exceptions)
> Here the original exception `new Exception("try")` is completely lost. This can make
> debugging or reconstructing failures extremely difficult.
> This issue was also mentioned in the original try-with-resources / automatic resource
> management proposal (
> However, back then it appears no proposal was made to adjust the behavior of `finally`
> blocks, most likely because suppressed exceptions was only an optional feature initially.
> (Note that I have not looked at all mails from the coin-dev mailing list, so I might have
> missed a discussion about this.)
> # Risks / considerations
> The proposed change would affect all source code which is recompiled; already compiled
> code would not be affected.
> - Noticeable behavior change
>    The behavior change described in this proposal would be noticeable to applications
>    which access the suppressed exceptions explicitly or implicitly (e.g. by printing
>    the stack trace). However, it is unlikely that applications expect certain suppressed
>    exceptions, especially since using expressions for regular control flow is discouraged.
> - Memory usage impact
>    The proposed change could have a performance impact because it would keep the exception
>    thrown by the `try` or one of the `catch` blocks alive for a longer time. However,
>    due to the improved debuggability this provides, that might be acceptable.
> - Execution time impact
>    The proposed change might have a negative effect on the execution time of `try` statements
>    with `finally` blocks, possibly also negatively affecting the analysis performed by the
>    JIT compiler.
>    javac could however omit the exception suppression if the statements in the `finally`
>    block are guaranteed to never throw exceptions.
> - `addSuppressed` call causing StackOverflowError and OutOfMemoryError
>    The call to `addSuppressed` in the `finally` block could trigger a StackOverflowError
>    or an OutOfMemoryError. This would cause all previous exceptions to be lost.
>    The StackOverflowError could possibly be avoided by using @ReservedStackAccess
>    (introduced by JEP 270)?
> - Self suppression
>    Currently the proposal allows E1 and E2 to be the same exception instance. However,
>    calling `e.addSuppressed(e)` is forbidden and will cause an IllegalArgumentException
>    to be thrown. Such a situation could occur when the thrown exception had been stored
>    in a field and is then rethrown by the clean-up actions.
>    Not checking for self-suppression and accepting the risk of an IllegalArgumentException
>    would match the current behavior of the try-with-resources statement.
>    It should be discussed if that behavior is desired. At least the IllegalArgumentException
>    is currently constructed with the self-suppressed exception as cause, so it is not "lost".
> # Related issues / code segments
> -
>    Seems to be the same as this proposal, but was (erroneously?) closed when suppressed
>    exceptions were added, even though suppressed exceptions on their own do not solve
>    this issue.
> -
>    Suggests the addition of a `finally (Throwable) { ... }`. With such a construct
>    it would at least be easier to write code which manually suppress exceptions
>    which occur in the `finally` block.
> -
>    Acts very similar to what is described in this proposal, except that there the
>    exception from the `try` block is considered the "main" exception, and exceptions
>    from the `finally` block are added as suppressed ones.
> -
>    Acts similar except that the resulting exception is not rethrown but logged.
> -
>    Affected by exactly the flaw outlined in the rationale of this proposal.
> -
>    Optimization problems with try-finally.
> # Further notes
> These notes are not part of the proposal itself, but highlight related issues.
> Some of them had been described in
> and the replies to it.
> - Which expression should be rethrown, which should be suppressed?
>    Currently the proposal suggests to keep the behavior of treating the exception from
>    the `finally` block as "main" exception, and adding the exception from the `try` or
>    `catch` block as suppressed exception.
>    However, as also highlighted during the discussion for the try-with-resources statement,
>    the exception from the `try` or `catch` block is most likely the more important exception,
>    whereas the exception from the `finally` block is not as important. In fact the exception
>    from the `finally` block might have only occurred due to the original failure in the
>    `try` block which had left the application in an inconsistent state.
>    The try-with-resources statement behaves like this and treats the exceptions from the
>    `close()` invocation as suppressed. Maybe it would be worth to consider whether the
>    behavior of `finally` should be changed to match this, but that might cause backward
>    compatibility issue.
> - Other control flow statements in `finally`
>    The `finally` clause has similar issues when it is exited with other control flow
>    statements, such as `return`, `break` or `continue`. For all of these the original
>    exception would be lost, even with the changes of this proposal. Additionally, these
>    statements can also "overrule" other control flow statements in the body of `try` or
>    `catch`:
>    ```
>    while (...) {
>        try {
>            // Has no effect
>            return 0;
>        } finally {
>            continue;
>        }
>    }
>    ```
> - Further enhancements for exception handling
>    There are other exception handling situations which currently require rather verbose
>    code, most notably:
>      - Given an existing exception E1 (for example from a `catch` clause) and an action
>        which has to be executed but may throw an exception:
>        Perform the action and add any exception E2 (of specific type?) thrown by that
>        action as suppressed exception to E1 and throw E1.
>        (Possibly also a variant where E1 may be null in which case E2 is thrown.)
>      - Given multiple actions which all have to be executed but may throw exceptions:
>        Execute all of them, record the first occurred exception E1 and add any subsequent
>        exception E2 as suppressed one to E1. Then at the end throw E1.
>    See also
>    However, such changes would require language changes or introduction of new utility
>    classes and methods.

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