Resolving methods for all in a sealed hierarchy

Vikram Bakshi vab2048 at
Fri Jul 29 21:41:05 UTC 2022

Hello all,

Suppose we have the following sealed hierarchy (I've removed the fields
from the records for brevity):

    sealed interface Command permits A, B, C {}
    public record A() implements Command {}
    public record B() implements Command {}
    public record C() implements Command {}

And the following class:

    public class CommandHandler {

        public void handle(A a) { System.out.println("Handling A"); }
        public void handle(B a) { System.out.println("Handling B); }
        public void handle(C a) { System.out.println("Handling C"); }

If we then try to pass a `Command` to an instance of `CommandHandler` we
get an error:

        var commandHandler = new CommandHandler();
        Command command = new A();
        commandHandler.handle(command); // ERROR: cannot resolve method

Obviously casting it works:

        switch(command) {
            case A cmd-> commandHandler.handle(cmd);
            case B cmd-> commandHandler.handle(cmd);
            case C cmd-> commandHandler.handle(cmd);

My question is will the Java compiler ever be able to resolve the method
automatically given that the sealed hierarchy has a corresponding method.

I realise this would be a low priority on your delivery path but was
interested in understanding if there is something that would stop it from
being delivered in the future.

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