Totality at switch statements

Hunor Szegi hunor.szegi at
Tue Jun 21 10:02:21 UTC 2022

Thank you for the explanation. True, separating the data and the data
processing into different classes makes it more important to know about the
changes. A compile time error or a warning can show you the changes. But
using the default clause will eliminate this help. I can imagine an IDE
check, which shows you the uncovered cases, in spite there's a default
clause. But the best practice would be listing all the known types you are
aware of but for some reason don't want to process or can't accept.
(Hopefully using a concise syntax in the future.)

I still think so, forcing the totality of switch statements will result in
a lot of default clauses, which eliminates the totality check, and makes
some switches one line longer unnecessarily. But maybe I am wrong, and it
will help the developers to think about the pros and cons of this situation
and will result in better practices.


On Mon, 20 Jun 2022 at 15:26, Remi Forax <forax at> wrote:

> Wow, one day to deliver an email, that's not fast :)
> I suppose it was stuck somewhere.
> Rémi
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"Hunor Szegi" <hunor.szegi at>
> *To: *amber-dev at
> *Sent: *Sunday, June 19, 2022 12:42:12 AM
> *Subject: *Totality at switch statements
> Hi Hunor,
> thanks for your feedback.
> Let's start to understand why we want pattern matching, until now, if you
> want to describe an algorithm on a recursive data structure, you put the
> data and the parts of the algorithm in the same place ; you declare an
> interface with an abstract method corresponding to the algorithm and you
> implement the interface with different classes/records.
> In that case, the code of the algorithm is as important as the data, they
> are intermingled.
> Now, we want to introduce pattern matching, the idea of the pattern
> matching is to separate the data from the algorithm, the data are still
> defined using an interface and records, but the algorithm is not defined as
> an abstract method of the interface but as a method outside the data
> definition. You may ask why doing that, it's because the definition of the
> data is more important than the algorithm itself. Unlike with an abstract
> method which tied the data and the algorithm, here the data structure more
> important than the code itself.
> We have decided to express the pattern matching using switch, this means
> retrofitting the switch this new purpose.
> We have done that in several moves, first fix the semantics inherited from
> the C by adding the arrow syntax, then extends the semantics to allow
> switch expression and add patterns on types (type pattern and record
> patterns). All these moves as to be backward compatible so switch statement
> on int, String and enum must be still work as before.
> Totality is essential for pattern matching, it's the way to detect
> discrepancies between the definition of the data and the code of the
> pattern matching itself. Unlike with an abstract method, with pattern
> matching the data and the algorithm are defined in two different places so
> the data can be updated without the switch being updated. We want the
> compiler to fail in that case.
> So all the new switch constructs (switch on null, switch with guards,
> switch on patterns, switch expression) fails if the switch is not total,
> detecting when the data and the switch are not aligned anymore.
> This means that using "default" is now a blunder because while it makes
> the switch total it disable the compiler to warn the user when the data
> change.
> In the details, it's not fully true because we can switch on an infinity
> of values (or on a range big enough that it's like infinity in practice) so
> we can not enumerate all possibles combinations.
> Switches on ints and strings are in this category, so for them, there is
> no other solution than having a default. In the future a warning may be a
> good idea to ask for a default at the end of the switch.
> For the switch on enum, a user can enumerate all the cases but because of
> backward compatibility, we need a backward compatible way to opt-in to
> totality, my preferred way to do that is to add a "case null -> throw
> null", which transforms the old switch on an enum to a new switch on an
> enum which asks for totality.
> Now, to answer your questions, yes we want totality even in a switch
> statement to detect when the data change, default is kind of an
> anti-pattern so i don't see the need to have a special syntax for default
> -> {}, i prefer to keep the lambda syntax and the switch syntax aligned.
> Forcing totality on arrow syntax is something we have debated and we
> believe it's better to separate the two concerns: fix the semantics
> inherited from the C and totality, among other things it allows automatic
> conversion by tools between the colon syntax to the arrow syntax. Anyway,
> given that the arrow syntax is not a preview anymore, this option is not on
> the table anymore. About @total, you can use "case null -> throw null"
> instead. We may come with a true syntax later but not using an annotation
> because we have this rule that an annotation can not changed the semantics
> of the language.
> I hope this helps to understand why we wan totality,
> regards,
> Rémi
> Hi All,
> I really like the progress of adding pattern matching to Java (and a
> lot of other features). I can not wait to use it in productive code
> (non-preview). But I would like to give you feedback about a tiny detail,
> about the totality of switch statements.
> Surely, the totality is necessary at switch expressions, but forcing it at
> a statement is questionable.
> It can be helpful for the programmers to check the totality in those cases
> when the intent is that. But it is quite common to create a switch
> statement that doesn't handle all of the possibilities. Why would it be
> different using patterns? Why is it beneficial to force totality? This
> check can be an IDE feature. (Or the programmer can try adding a default
> clause, and the duplicated totality will be shown as an error. But I know
> it isn't convenient.)
> Honestly I feel that the rule, when the totality is forced, is dictated
> simply by the necessity of backward compatibility. What will happen if a
> new type (for example double) will be allowed for the selector expression?
> The backward compatibility wouldn't be an issue, but it would be weird
> behaving differently with an int compared to a double, so I guess the
> totality won't be forced. What would happen if the finality requirement was
> removed, and the equality could be checked for all types? What about the
> totality check in this imagined future?
> Of course the best would be to allow the totality check somehow if the
> intent is that. A warning could be a solution, but that can be annoying. It
> will force the programmers to suppress it, or to add a default clause (what
> is the current solution). Adding a default clause could be treated as
> marking the intent: we don't want totality. But the actual syntax does not
> represent it clearly.
> Additionally, there are issues with the "empty" default clause. In the JEP
> the "default: break;" was recommended, but interestingly it doesn't work
> with the arrow syntax. ("default -> break;" is a compile time error, only
> the "default: {break;}" is possible.) We can use both the "default: {}" and
> "default -> {}", which is fine. But while the "default:" is
> possible (without body), the "default ->" is an error. I don't know what is
> the reason behind it. Allowing an empty body with the arrow syntax would
> make the actual solution a little bit cleaner.
> I think forcing the totality at statements is partly an intent for
> uniformity. The best would be if the same rules were applied to all cases,
> regardless if it is a statement or expression, old or arrow syntax. But
> backward compatibility can't allow full uniformity, it moves the separation
> into the middle of a box, instead of a clear distinction between a
> statement and expression. It creates more cases.
> It would be possible, forcing the totality only at the arrow syntax. But
> that would move some of the programmers using the old syntax, which may be
> less fortunate.
> It would be possible to allow the programmer to mark the intended
> totality. Maybe a new keyword would be too much for this purpose.
> Alternatively I can imagine allowing annotations at a switch
> statement/expression in the future. For example:
> @total
> switch (x) {
> ...
> }
> If this syntax isn't possible, the annotation could be added right before
> the opening curly bracket. Alternatively a warning suppress annotation
> could be used specifically for the switch.
> But this is only a brainstorming. My main point is that I don't think the
> totality should be forced at switch statements. Or it should cause only a
> warning.
> I hope my feedback isn't pointless. I'd be very interested to hear other
> people's opinions.
> Thank you in advance,
> Regards,
> Hunor
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