Specialized methods for a generic class based on type argument
Swaranga Sarma
sarma.swaranga at gmail.com
Mon May 9 17:25:33 UTC 2022
>More like "Add generics to Java".
Ouch! :-)
Thank you for the responses.
On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 6:53 AM Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com> wrote:
> What you are suggesting is what we call a _conditional method_; a method
> that is a member of some parameterizations but not others. This is an
> entirely reasonable concept, and we've given extensive thought to the topic
> under Project Valhalla, but there are a number of challenges that mean such
> things are at least a few steps away:
> - It is not merely enough to say that sum() is only a member of List<T>
> for certain T; as your example shows, you would like to be able to get at
> the zero value for T, and its addition function. (More specifically, sum()
> works when T is a *monoid*, and the implementation of sum() requires access
> to a *witness* to it's monoid-hood.)
> - Said witnessing requires some degree of runtime reification, either in
> the form of direct reification of generic type parameters (as C# does), or
> the use of implicit arguments (as Scala does.)
> - As your example suggests, even if you had the above, you probably would
> soon be wondering/asking/complaining "why can't I say `+`, rather than
> calling `add`", so in addition to asking for reified generics and witnesses
> to type classes, you are also asking for operator overloading.
> None of the above are out of the question, but each are obviously a
> significant lift, so don't expect it to fall out as an "Amber-sized"
> feature. More like "Add generics to Java".
> On 5/9/2022 1:44 AM, Swaranga Sarma wrote:
> Apologies if this is not the right mailing list; I did not find a dedicated
> mailing list for generics and Amber deals with language level improvements
> hence posting it here.
> I want to be able to write specialized methods based on the type argument
> for my generic class. Using the List interface as an example:
> interface List<T> {
> _if_T_instanceof_Number Number sum() {
> T sum = 0;
> for (T t : this) {
> sum += t;
> }
> return sum;
> }
> }
> The above method can be called only if the list instance is of type List<?
> extends Number> and if the reference type is of raw type then these methods
> should not be visible at the call site. There are other compatibility
> concerns like what if a subinterface or an implementing class defines these
> methods but I am of course leaving these to the experts to deal with. ;-)
> Is this something that might be possible in the future?
> Regards
> Swaranga
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