Question regarding exhaustiveness check of record patterns

Tesla Zhang ice1000kotlin at
Wed Nov 2 18:59:52 UTC 2022


I am confused by a compile error generated by the following code:

sealed interface I<T> {}
record A<T>(T t) implements I<T> {}
public static void main(I<String> args) {
  switch (args) {
    case A<String>(var x) -> System.out.println(x);

Compiling the code with the following JDK:

openjdk 19 2022-09-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 19+37)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 19+37, mixed mode, sharing)

I get:

.\ error: the switch statement does not cover all possible input values
    switch (args) {
Note: .\ uses preview features of Java SE 19.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details.
1 error

What cases could be not covered? It looks like a bug to me.

Also, I believe that showing the particular uncovered cases in the error messages would make very good developer experiences.

Best regards,
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