Loosening requirements for super() invocation

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Tue Nov 8 21:00:23 UTC 2022

> The goal is to close off all routes by which 'this' could end up being 
> passed to code in any subclass.

any other class outside this compilation unit: subclass, superclass, 
random class.  This is sometimes called "alien" code -- code this class 
does not control.  (Note that inner classes in the current class are OK; 
it's under this classes control.)

> Attempt #1...
> A 'this' escape is when, in a non-final class MyClass constructor, 
> after a super() call, a reference to the 'this' instance is used, 
> explicitly or implicitly, in any expression that (as far as the 
> compiler can tell) might possibly:
>  1. Invoke a non-static method declared in any strict supertype of MyClass

Declared outside the compilation unit of MyClass

>  1. Otherwise access a field or invoke a non-static method declared in
>     any subclass of MyClass


5.  Store `this` to any variable.

> Test case 2: the class below should not generate a warning. It doesn't 
> because resetBoard() is private and contains no 'this' escapes.
> public class TicTacToe {
>     private final char[][] board = new char[3][3];
>     public TicTacToe() {
>         this.resetBoard();
>     }
>     private void resetBoard() {
> Stream.of(this.board).forEach(row -> Arrays.fill(row, ' '));
>     }
>     // more stuff here...
> }
> Test case 3: FilteredSet does not generate a warning. Instead, we are 
> putting the "blame" on HashSet.

Here's a more advanced case that would require more sophisticated data 
flow analysis, but might not be so bad:

public class X {
     public X() { foo(this); }

     private static void foo(X x) {  }

Here, you pass `this` to foo(), but it doesn't do anything bad with it.
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