Relaxing constraint for text blocks to start on new line?

Jim Laskey james.laskey at
Wed Nov 30 11:11:45 UTC 2022

Technically there is no reason why we couldn’t. It would, however, be difficult to call the result a text ‘block’. Thick quotes?

The answer is simply ‘reserved for future use’. The rationale is to provide the block structure that you’ve come to know and leave a space where we could in future we could put additional information describing the content.


— Jim


On Nov 30, 2022, at 6:10 AM, Vikram Bakshi <vab2048 at> wrote:

Hi all,

Does anybody on the mailing list want to bite and answer the message I had sent earlier?

Even if it is to say "no we will not be doing that because <xyz>" - that would suffice!


On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 10:42 AM Vikram Bakshi <vab2048 at<mailto:vab2048 at>> wrote:

Text blocks are a great feature of the Java language. On the JEP page one of the listed goals of text blocks is to:

  *   Enhance the readability of strings in Java programs that denote code written in non-Java languages.

Currently when attempting to use text blocks for short strings which can fit on one line for a non-Java language (e.g. JSON) we still need to start the string on another line.

For example:

var json = """
    {  "color": "red", "value": "#f00" } """

It would be a lot nicer to have the ability to use the triple quote to define strings like this on one line:

var json = """{  "color": "red", "value": "#f00" } """

Currently that is not possible and using a normal quote for strings, ", requires us to escape all of the subsequent quotes on the same line - which is a real pain.

Obviously we can just continue to start on the next line to avoid the issue - but is it possible to consider an extension to text blocks which allow for this use case (short one line strings)?

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