String Templates Question - are expressions within a TemplateString literal evaluated immediately, or when a template is applied?

John Rose john.r.rose at
Thu Sep 22 20:37:37 UTC 2022

Logging is a good use case (but not at all the only one) for this move 
of “quoting” an expression (for later “unquoting”) with a 
nullary lambda prefix.

I put a discussion about this topic here:
“Java supplier lambda, the Ultimate Quote”

If we had an “auto-quote” feature (see the appendix of the above 
doc) logger classes could get the delayed execution as part of their API 
declarations, in the way that Nathan is apparently envisioning.  But in 
practice, adding `()->` before your logger expressions is not a huge 
burden.  Yeah, you’d want to say `LOG."template \{stuff}"` instead of 
`log(()->STR.”template \{stuff}”)`.  But it’s not so terrible as 
to motivate (all by itself) sugary elision of the `()->` quote.

For my part, I’m really really glad that string templates did not add 
a hard-coded feature into their design for this sort of expression 
quoting.  I think such a feature deserves to be considered on its own, 
separately for many kinds of APIs, if at all.

(Idea of the moment:  Allow the string template processor `apply` method 
to accept a `Supplier<ST>`, instead of `ST`.  Then push an auto-quote 
rule into the desugaring of `LOG.<<ST>>`, when `LOG::apply` takes a 
supplier.  This could be added compatibly to the present design, as a 
future feature.  Sort of like some proposals to add new rules for 
enhanced-for over streams, by adjusting the types around the 
enhanced-for.  String templates could support many, many such compatible 
additions, IMO, and they should be rolled out in a measured and cautious 
way, if at all.)

On 22 Sep 2022, at 12:13, Brian Goetz wrote:

> We went around on this a few times, and in the end concluded that it 
> is easy to just wrap the whole thing with a lambda:
>     () -> STR."Connection from \{name} at \{time}"
> which is a Supplier<String>.  Lots of logging frameworks already are 
> prepared to deal with Supplier.
> On 9/22/2022 3:09 PM, Nathan Walker wrote:
>> That was all about what I expected.  And it is probably the option 
>> that will result in the fewest surprises for developers.  The log 
>> example you linked was very interesting.
>> Has permitting lambda/method-reference syntax to insert lazy 
>> expressions been discussed before?  I would really love to be able 
>> to do something like "The time is \{Instant::now}" or "The time is 
>> \{()->}"
>> I think there is a lot of potential in allowing TemplateProcessors 
>> that elect to skip processing a template for some precondition avoid 
>> the overhead of any expensive embedded expressions, and I think this 
>> would be especially true in processors that can fail by throwing a 
>> checked exception.
>> Thanks,
>> Nathan
>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 10:17 AM Jim Laskey <james.laskey at> 
>> wrote:
>>>     On Sep 22, 2022, at 11:08 AM, Nathan Walker
>>>     <nathan.h.walker at> wrote:
>>>     Hi folks,
>>>     Question regarding TemplateStrings that I could not seem to find
>>>     the answer to in the JEP write up or the Javadoc for
>>>     TemplateString:  Is the expression evaluation lazy, or 
>>> immediate?
>>>     In other words, if I do something like this:
>>>        List<Integer> list=new ArrayList<>();
>>>        TemplateString ts = "size = \{list.size()}"
>>>        list.add(1);
>>>        System.out.println(ts.apply(STR));
>>>     Will it print out size = 0, or size = 1?
>>     The expression is evaluated and the value is captured when
>>     creating the TemplatedString instance. There is some discussion
>>     around left to right evaluation that tries to clarify this. 
>> So the
>>     answer is “size = 0”.
>>>     My main reason for asking is that I would love for string
>>>     templates to result in logging interfaces with overloaded 
>>> methods
>>>     that can take TemplateStrings instead of strings, and which are
>>>     only evaluated if the log level is enabled.  So that instead of
>>>     something like this:
>>>        if (logger.isEnabled(Level.DEBUG)) {
>>>             logger.log(Level.DEBUG, "Expensive value is " + 
>>> lookup() );
>>>        }
>>>     we can just do:
>>>        log.log(Level.DEBUG, "Expensive value is \{lookup()}");
>>>     And be confident that the cost of invoking lookup() will only be
>>>     paid if DEBUG is enabled.
>>>     Probably over 80% of the string building I have seen over my
>>>     career has been related to building log messages.  And the
>>>     mistakes I have most often seen are:
>>>        1. Expensive message construction not guarded by checking 
>>> if
>>>     logging is enabled at that level
>>>        2. Expensive message construction guarded, but by checking 
>>> the
>>>     *wrong* logging level (e.g. check INFO, log at ERROR)
>>>        3. Using some sort of parameterized message/string format 
>>> but
>>>     getting the parameters wrong (out of order, missing one, having
>>>     too many, etc.)
>>>     If TemplateStrings evaluate their expression fragments only when
>>>     processed then every one of these problems gets addressed, and
>>>     logging code becomes *a lot* simpler to read, write, and code 
>>> review.
>>>     (Random side note: I *love* the choice of \ instead of $.  It
>>>     took some time for me to get use to the idea, but keeping the
>>>     same escape character is fantastic and I wish more languages had
>>>     done that instead of using $)
>>     You can play some tricks with Suppliers or Futures + lambdas to
>>     get lazy evaluation. I have an roughed out (i.e., old) example 
>> at
>>     Cheers,
>>     — Jim
>>>     Thanks for your time,
>>>     Nathan
>>>     --
>>>     Nathan H. Walker
>>>     nathan.h.walker at
>>>     (703) 987-8937
>> -- 
>> Nathan H. Walker
>> nathan.h.walker at
>> (703) 987-8937
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