Other ways to use destructuring

P Holder pholder at gmail.com
Sat Apr 1 04:08:02 UTC 2023

In thinking about record destructuring it occurs to me it could be used in
more places than currently proposed.

One example would be in a function call:

record HumanName(firstName: String, middleName: String, lastName: String) {}

HumanName humanName = new HumanName(“Alice”, “Bateman”, “Chandler”);

String getFormattedName(humanName: HumanName(firstName, _, lastName))


   return lastName + “, “ + firstName;


final String fmtName = getFormattedName(humanName);

another could be in a for loop

final Set<HumanName> humans = new HashSet<>();


for (final humanName: HumanName(firstName, _, lastName): humans)






or indeed in any body

with humanName as HumanName(firstName, _, lastName)





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