Assignments to finals in switch guards

Gavin Bierman gavin.bierman at
Wed Apr 5 11:15:27 UTC 2023

Good catch Robbe! Guards should not assign to variables declared outside the guard, otherwise the DA/DU analysis becomes very challenging, and we will end up removing the possibility of optimising switches.


On 25 Mar 2023, at 21:45, Robbe Pincket <robbepincket at> wrote:

Hi all

It seems that the following code still compiles in Java 20.

class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Got: " + Test(17));

    static boolean log(Object o) {
        System.out.println("Log:" + o);
        return false;

    static String test(Object o) {
        final String s;

        switch (o) {
            case Integer i when (s = "a") != null && log(s) -> {
                return s;
            case Integer i when (s = "b") != null && log(s) -> {
                return s;
            case Integer i when (s = "c") != null && log(s) -> {
                return s;
            case Object o1 when (s = "d") != null && log(s) || true -> {
                return s;
            default -> {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unreachable");

The code above reassigns the final variable `s` multiple times and prints:

Log: a
Log: b
Log: c
Log: d
Got: d

Similarly  the following code:

class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Got: " + new Test(17).s);

    boolean log(Object o) {
        System.out.println("Log: " + o + ", " + this.s);
        return false;

    final String s;

    Test(Object o) {
        switch (o) {
            case Integer i when(s = "a") != null && log(s) -> {

            case Integer i when(s = "b") != null && log(s) -> {

            case Integer i when(s = "c") != null && log(s) -> {

            case Object o1 when(s = "d") != null && log(s) || true -> {

            default -> {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unreachable");

Also compiles and produces the following

Log: a, a
Log: b, b
Log: c, c
Log: d, d
Got: d

Showing the final field being reassigned multiple times.

Right before sending this email, I just remembered that
the first example shouldn't compile, as in each `return s;`
the `s` variable shouldn't be considered to be
definite assigned.

Kind regards
Robbe Pincket

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