Pattern matching on multiple objects

David Alayachew davidalayachew at
Sun Apr 23 18:40:33 UTC 2023

Hello Brian,

Thanks for the response!

> Yes, many languages that have pattern matching allow
> constant literals to be used as patterns ("constant
> patterns"), so
>     case Point(0, _):
> would match any point on the X axis.

Nice, the unnamed pattern makes this even more expressive than I recalled.
Very haskell-esque.

> The example Swaranga gave used constant patterns in this
> way, but that is orthogonal to the question being posed,
> which was about switching over multiple values at once.

Fair. Next time, I will start a separate thread and just reference the
source thread.

> Constant patterns have been discussed in early pattern
> matching writeups; we have left them on the "maybe for
> later" list, for a few reasons (and I'm glad we did.)

If you recall the reasons, I'd love to hear them.

> They may come into the lineup at some point, but in the
> meantime, there are higher-leverage features ahead of it.

Same goes for this too. What's the amber team working on at the moment?

Thank you for your time!
David Alayachew
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