Question about testing preview features

David Alayachew davidalayachew at
Sat Apr 29 03:55:22 UTC 2023


I saw that build 20 of JDK 21 was just released [1]. In it, there are the
Sequenced Collections changes, some Loom changes, and more.

I want to understand the following.

* Where do we go to see when a feature has been merged into their
respective repository (for example, Sequenced Collections into
openjdk/amber)? The JDK Bug System?

* Is there a gap between when a feature is merged into the respective
repository vs the openjdk/jdk?

* Where do we go to see when a feature has been merged into the openjdk/jdk?

The reason I ask all of these questions is because I recently started
building Amber, Loom, and Valhalla from source. It is not easy, and I see
failed tests when I finish, so I feel like I am doing it wrong. And more
importantly, it takes a very long time, even building all 3 concurrently,
to get the newest changes on my system.

In short, if the latest build of the openjdk/jdk is going to contain all
the newest features, then I am not sure that spending 4 hours of my day
waiting for 3 repos to build makes sense compared to just spending 10
minutes downloading just the 1, unpacking it, then pointing my variables to

So, I guess a final question would be, what benefit is there in building
from source? I want to test these features and contribute, so is there some
form of contribution that I am able to provide building from source that I
would not be able to provide if I just downloaded the latest build and
started using it?

Thank you all for your time and help!
David Alayachew
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