[JEP 430] StringTemplate should be generic?

Anatoly Kupriyanov kan.izh at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 23:30:22 UTC 2023

As I see values are always Object. However, for type-safety it would be
good to have bounded types:

public interface StringTemplate<V> {
    List<V> values();

E.g. a Json template should require values to be JSONObject. In this case
it would be possible to compose fragments with type-safety like this:

String name = "Joan Smith";
String phone = null;
boolean residential = true;

JSONObject address = JSON."""
        "residential": \{JSON.primitive(residential)},
        "postcode":    \{JSON.primitive(postcode)}
    }    """;

JSONObject doc = JSON."""
        "name":    \{JSON.primitive(name)},
        "phone":   \{JSON.primitive(phone)},
        "address": \{address}

There are some good ideas implemented in C# for type-safety, e.g. it allows
to have different overloads for different types for avoiding run-time type
matching. See AppendFormatted here

WBR, Anatoly.
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