[External] : AW: Frozen objects?

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Thu Dec 21 16:27:15 UTC 2023

Dan is 100% correct here; there's a reason we haven't pursued this, and 
it's not because we've never used C++.  It's not even a close call; it's 
an obvious loser.

> So you think frozen objects will be any simpler?

Dan never suggested frozen objects were a good idea either; someone 
asked a question about them, that's all.  And it's disingenuous to 
suggest that these are the only two options, or that if you don't like 
A, then you must like B.

(As a rule of thumb: arguments that start with "So you think / so you're 
saying" are almost never what that person things or is saying.)

In any case, we are way outside the charter of amber-dev here.  I think 
best to stop here.

On 12/21/2023 11:08 AM, Dan Heidinga wrote:
> Not unsolvable but the payoff isn’t there.
> None of this is the hard work of figuring out what “const” would mean 
> in the language, how it would fit with return types, method 
> parameters, receivers, conversions, annotations, reflection, 
> methodhandles, debuggers and any other number of existing features in 
> Java.
> If “const” is something you really want to see added to Java, then 
> spend the time to work through the semantics and bring a proposal with 
> enough details worked out that it can be discussed and debated on its 
> merit.
> *From: *Markus Karg <markus at headcrashing.eu>
> *Date: *Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 10:52 AM
> *To: *'Red IO' <redio.development at gmail.com>, Dan Heidinga 
> <dan.heidinga at oracle.com>
> *Cc: *'Holo The Sage Wolf' <holo3146 at gmail.com>, 'Archie Cobbs' 
> <archie.cobbs at gmail.com>, 'amber-dev' <amber-dev at openjdk.org>
> *Subject: *AW: [External] : AW: Frozen objects?
> You are right, backwards compatibility without introducing const_cast 
> as in C++ is a problem. But that does not neither man that we MUST 
> introduce const_cast nor that the problem is not solvable.
> -Markus
> *Von:*Red IO [mailto:redio.development at gmail.com]
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 21. Dezember 2023 16:06
> *An:* Dan Heidinga
> *Cc:* Markus Karg; Holo The Sage Wolf; Archie Cobbs; amber-dev
> *Betreff:* Re: [External] : AW: Frozen objects?
> I think const is a pretty fine concept, the confusion in c++ primarily 
> comes from it's confusing syntax and having multiple meanings like 
> const member functions.
> A conversion from const to non const just makes no sense. You can use 
> every non const object like a const one but never the other way around.
> I prefer the inverted rust equivalent "mut" more as it makes the point 
> more clear. If you share a mutable reference you expect the recipient 
> to mutate your data, if you pass an immutable reference you can be 
> ensured the recipient won't change your data.
> It's just a contract rather or not some value can be mutated and 
> rather or not a method requires to mutate it's parameters.
> In java we currently are stuck with exception throwing views, 
> documentation and defensive copies.
> I'm not sure rather adding an internal mutability system afterwards is 
> possible or a good idea. Especially old libraries would require some 
> sort of const cast to be usable. Which would undermine the certainty 
> such a system provides.
> Best regards
> RedIODev
> On Wed, Dec 20, 2023, 17:58 Dan Heidinga <dan.heidinga at oracle.com> wrote:
>     C++ “const” is a bit of a mess.  It’s not only a local property
>     that prevents writes to the reference; it’s also a viral property
>     that infects the type system.  Instead of dealing with a single
>     type (“X”), we now have two (“X”, “const X”) with a 1-way
>     conversion from “X -> const X” but no conversion back (Let’s not
>     talk about const_cast’s undefined behaviour….).  Now methods need
>     to be defined to take either an X or a const X parameter and need
>     to flow the const through to all their callers.
>     But that’s not all – now we need to be able to mark virtual
>     methods to declare if the receiver is const or not.  And to mark
>     return types as const or not.
>     There’s a pretty massive cost to the user’s mental model and to
>     the language as well as producing on-going compatibility problems
>     (is adding or removing “const” modifiers binary compatible? Source
>     compatible?) for library evolution.
>     Syntactic sugar to indicate “I won’t write to this” doesn’t really
>     pay its way.  The costs are quite high.
>     *From: *Markus Karg <markus at headcrashing.eu>
>     *Date: *Wednesday, December 20, 2023 at 5:32 AM
>     *To: *'Holo The Sage Wolf' <holo3146 at gmail.com>
>     *Cc: *Dan Heidinga <dan.heidinga at oracle.com>, 'Archie Cobbs'
>     <archie.cobbs at gmail.com>, 'amber-dev' <amber-dev at openjdk.org>
>     *Subject: *[External] : AW: Frozen objects?
>     C++ ("const") does not freeze the memory region at all, and it
>     does not need to (and hence is quite fast at runtime as it does
>     not even need to check the access). The compiler simply rejects to
>     compile the attempt to write via read-only references. That would
>     be sufficient for most cases. Freezing objects is a different
>     idea, and only needed in side cases. So I would plea for
>     introducing compile-time read-only references first, as it is the
>     lower hanging fruit.
>     -Markus
>     *Von:*Holo The Sage Wolf [mailto:holo3146 at gmail.com]
>     *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 19. Dezember 2023 14:18
>     *An:* Markus Karg
>     *Cc:* Dan Heidinga; Archie Cobbs; amber-dev
>     *Betreff:* Re: Frozen objects?
>     How do you freeze a memory region without talking about freezing
>     objects?
>     Unless your data is flat (so only value classes, primitives and
>     arrays, 2 of which won't benefit from freezing) the only way to
>     have freezing something that is enforced at compile time you must
>     talk about objects.
>     On Tue, 19 Dec 2023, 10:04 Markus Karg, <markus at headcrashing.eu
>     <mailto:markus at headcrashing.eu>> wrote:
>         I wonder why we discuss about freezing *objects* (which needs
>         time) but not simply freezing *references* (like `const` does
>         in C++)?
>         -Markus
>         *Von:*amber-dev [mailto:amber-dev-retn at openjdk.org
>         <mailto:amber-dev-retn at openjdk.org>] *Im Auftrag von *Dan Heidinga
>         *Gesendet:* Montag, 18. Dezember 2023 16:04
>         *An:* Archie Cobbs; amber-dev
>         *Betreff:* Re: Frozen objects?
>         Let me throw out one other concern: races.  The invariant
>         frozen objects want is that the application and runtime can
>         trust they will never be mutated again.  Unfortunately, if the
>         object is published across threads before it is frozen, then
>         that invariant is very difficult and expensive to maintain.
>         If two threads, A & B, both have references to the object and
>         thread A freezes it, B may still be publishing writes to it
>         that A only observes later.  To ensure the right JMM
>         happens-before relationship for fields of Freezable objects,
>         both reads and writes would need to be more expensive
>         (volatile semantics?) until a thread could validate the object
>         it was operating on was frozen.
>         Freezing is not just a free set of unexplored optimizations.
>         There’re also new costs associated with it across the runtime
>         (field read/write, profiling, etc).
>         --Dan
>         *From: *amber-dev <amber-dev-retn at openjdk.org> on behalf of
>         Archie Cobbs <archie.cobbs at gmail.com>
>         *Date: *Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 12:33 PM
>         *To: *amber-dev <amber-dev at openjdk.org>
>         *Subject: *Frozen objects?
>         Caveat: I'm just trying to educate myself on what's been
>         discussed in the past, not actually suggest a new language
>         feature. I'm sure this kind of idea has been discussed before
>         so feel free to point me at some previous thread, etc.
>         In C we have 'const' which essentially means "the memory
>         allocated to this thing is immutable". The nice thing about
>         'const' is that it can apply to an individual variable or
>         field in a structure, or it can apply to an entire C structure
>         or C array. In effect it applies to any contiguous memory
>         region that can be named/identified at the language level.
>         On the other hand, it's just a language fiction, i.e., it can
>         always be defeated at runtime by casting (except for static
>         constants).
>         In Java we have 'final' which (in part) is like 'const' for
>         fields and variables, but unlike C 'final' can't be applied to
>         larger memory regions like entire objects or entire arrays.
>         In C, 'const' can be applied "dynamically" in the sense I can
>         cast foo to const foo. Of course, this is only enforced at the
>         language level.
>         Summary of differences between C 'const' and Java 'final':
>         ·Granularity:
>         oC: Any contiguous memory region that has a language
>         name/identification
>         oJava: At most 64 bits at a time (*) and arrays are not included
>         oAdvantage: C
>         ·Enforcement:
>         oC: Enforced only by the compiler (mostly)
>         oJava: Enforced by the compiler and at runtime
>         oAdvantage: Java
>         ·Dynamic Application:
>         oC: Yes
>         oJava: No
>         oAdvantage: C
>         (*) With records and value objects we are gradually moving
>         towards the ability for larger things than an individual field
>         to be 'const'. More generally, Java has slowly been glomming
>         on some of the goodness from functional programming, including
>         making it easier to declare and work with immutable data.
>         This all begs the question: why not take this idea to its
>         logical conclusion? And while we're at it, make the capability
>         fully dynamic, instead of limiting when you can 'freeze'
>         something construction time?
>         In other words, add the ability to "freeze" an object or
>         array. If 'x' is frozen, whatever 'x' directly references
>         becomes no longer mutable.
>         A rough sketch...
>         Add new Freezableinterface:
>             public interface Freezable {
>         boolean isFrozen();
>         static boolean freeze(Freezable obj);   // returns false if
>         already frozen
>             }
>         Arrays automatically implement Freezable(just like they do
>         Cloneable)
>         What about the memory model? Ideally it would work as if
>         written like this:
>             public class Foo implements Freezable {
>         private volatile frozen;    // set to true by Freezable.freeze()
>         void mutateFooContent(Runnable mutation) {
>         if (this.frozen)
>             throw new FrozenObjectException();
>         else
>           mutation.run();
>                 }
>             }
>         But there could be a better trade-off of performance vs.
>         semantics.
>         Other trade-offs...
>         ·(-) All mutations to a Freezablewould require a new 'frozen'
>         check (* see below)
>         ·(-) There would have to be a new bit allocated in the object
>         header
>         ·(+) Eliminate zillions of JDK defensive array copies (things
>         like String.toCharArray())
>         ·(+) JIT optimizations for constant-folding, etc.
>         ·(+) GC optimizations
>         o(*) Put frozen objects into a read-only region of memory to
>         eliminate mutation checks
>         oOptimize scanning of frozen references (since they never change)
>         I'm curious how other people think this idea would or wouldn't
>         make sense for Java & what's been decided in the past.
>         Thanks,
>         -Archie
>         -- 
>         Archie L. Cobbs
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