Question about circular references

David Alayachew davidalayachew at
Tue Jul 4 13:28:35 UTC 2023

Hello Duncan,

Thank you for your response!

I'll address your point as a whole and say, I think we both agree, that
right now, Java makes it so that indirection is the only real, viable way
to represent this type of model. And even then, I am of the opinion that it
doesn't scale nearly as easily as the direct variant would (unless you try
to do in the edges format like Ron suggested here --

But for a better example of what I was looking for, take a look at Brian
Goetz's Data-Oriented Programming article. In it, he draws out a Binary
Tree using Nodes. The representation is direct, just like in a linked list.
I was hoping for a similar level of directness, but permitting circular

Also, please see my last 2-3 paragraphs on this link ( for
what I think a possible future solution might look like.

Thank you for your time and help!
David Alayachew
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