Using qualified enum in `old` switch
David Alayachew
davidalayachew at
Mon Jul 10 13:31:27 UTC 2023
CC'ing the Amber Dev Team.
On Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 4:21 AM Mikhail Pyltsin <pyltsinm at> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am investigating a new version of jep440+441
> (
> )
> After `2023-06-12: Misc editorial changes.` I can't find any explicit
> mention that it is allowed to use qualified names for enums in `old` switch.
> But according to it must be allowed
> ```
> static void goodEnumSwitch2(Coin c) {
> switch (c) {
> case HEADS -> {
> System.out.println("Heads");
> }
> case Coin.TAILS -> { // Unnecessary qualification but allowed
> System.out.println("Tails");
> }
> }
> }
> ```
> before `2023-06-12: Misc editorial changes.`, It was
> ```Every case constant must be either (1) the null literal, (2) a
> constant expression (15.29
> <>),
> or (3) the (simple or qualified) name of an enum constant (8.9.1
> <>);
> otherwise a compile-time error occurs. A single null case constant may
> also be paired with the default keyword.
> ```, but now there is no mention of the type of enum names.
> Could you help me, which point allows it now?
> This question arose because the next code doesn't produce errors:
> ```
> enum EN{A, B}
> public void test(EN en) {
> switch (en) {
> case A -> System.out.println("a");
> case EN.A -> System.out.println("a too");
> case EN.B -> System.out.println("b");
> }
> }
> ```
> Is this expected?
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