JEP 430: String Templates Mandatory TemplateProcessor

Jim Laskey james.laskey at
Sat May 13 15:19:30 UTC 2023

I’ve mentioned this previously, while not impossible it is difficult to switch simply because the context of detecting processor dot is at the parser level, where the detection of \{ is at the lexer/tokenization level.

There is a big plus for not following the herd with ${, you can embed other languages such as JavaScript without fear of conflict. \{ also doesn’t conflict with existing templating libraries.

In a previous email, I demonstrated how you could use your own style StringTemplates using ${.

Note that there is a very strong backlash against the backslash (play on words intended) in the Java community.

Depends on who you hang out with. I know the Swift crowd seem content with \(. Not sure I see the point of making all languages the same.

Like any new language feature, you do get use to \{. Once IDEs integrate, string templates will become second nature.


— Jim


On May 13, 2023, at 11:22 AM, interlink.sg7 at wrote:

I tried out the early-access build of JDK 21 and saw that the TemplateProcessor seems to be mandatory now for String Templates:

    var hello = "Hello \{name}"; ==> error: processor missing from template expression

The JEP says: "Thus if we forget to use a template processor such as STR, RAW, or FMT then a compile-time error is reported".

I know you dread this kind of discussion, but if that is the case, would we now be able to reconsider ${…}?
The original reason behind \{…} was to avoid conflicts with legacy code.
Using ${…} would require a tag on string templates (either a prefix or a delimiter other than "). See Alternatives section in the JEP.
However if the TemplateProcessor . TemplateArgument is mandatory it kinda acts as a tag anyway?
Backwards compatibility is still ensured as far as I can tell.

Note that there is a very strong backlash against the backslash (play on words intended) in the Java community.

Kind regards,


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