Want some official clarification on a quirk about pattern-matching for instanceof

David Alayachew davidalayachew at gmail.com
Fri Nov 10 16:40:11 UTC 2023

Hello Amber Dev Team,

Someone on StackOverflow raised an excellent question about
Pattern-Matching for instanceof, and I would like to get a response from
one of you to include in the answer. Here is the link.


To summarize, the book that they were reading (Java: The Complete
Reference, 12th Edition by Herbert Schildt) had the following quote.

-----QUOTE_START---- (with minor modifications for readability)

Number myOb = Integer.valueOf(9);
int count = 10;

//                 vv---- Conditional AND Operator
if ( (count < 100) && myOb instanceof Integer iObj)

    iObj = count;


The above fragment compiles because the if block will execute only when
both sides of the && are true. Thus, the use of iObj in the if block is
valid. However, a compilation error will result if you tried to use the &
rather than the &&, as shown below.

Number myOb = Integer.valueOf(9);
int count = 10;

//                 v----- Bitwise Logical AND Operator
if ( (count < 100) & myOb instanceof Integer iObj)

    iObj = count;


In this case, the compiler cannot know whether or not iObj will be in scope
in the if block because the right side of the & will not necessarily be


When compiling the second example, it is exactly as the author says, we get
told that the variable may not necessarily be in scope. Here is the error I
get using OpenJDK 22 Early Access.

$ java --version
openjdk 22-ea 2024-03-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 22-ea+20-1570)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 22-ea+20-1570, mixed mode, sharing)

$ javac --version
javac 22-ea

$ cat abc.java
public class abc

    public static void main(String[] args)

        Number myOb = Integer.valueOf(9);

        int count = 10;

        if ( (count < 100) & myOb instanceof Integer iObj )

            iObj = count;




$ javac abc.java
abc.java:15: error: cannot find symbol
                iObj = count;
  symbol:   variable iObj
  location: class abc
1 error


I feel like I have a very good idea of why this might be the case, but I
lack the terminology to put it into words correctly. Could someone help me

Thank you for your time and help!
David Alayachew
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